Diabetes During Pregnancy Sign Diet and Side Effect

Pregnant women exposed to diabetes is one of the pregnancy disorders that occur in the third trimester. This condition causes blood sugar levels of pregnant women to be very high at the end of pregnancy. The type of diabetes that describes this condition is gestational diabetes.

As long as the body of pregnant women make adjustments to various changes including hormone levels then there are many problems in the body of pregnant women. Included with insulin levels in the mother's body.
diabetes while pregnancy
Diabetes while pregnancy
Some pregnant women experience insulin resistance that causes sugar levels to be very high. Pregnant women who already have a history of diabetes are particularly vulnerable to gestational diabetes and may be exposed to the risk of diabetes during pregnancy.The disease also begins with a variety of symptoms that come quickly during pregnancy.

Diabetes During Pregnancy Sign Diet and Side Effect

Signs of diabetes in pregnant women

Excessive thirst

Pregnant women have indeed undergone various changes in his body. Including when it entered the third trimester then the body becomes uncomfortable. But if the mother feels more often thirsty and too often then this can be a symptom of gestational diabetes.

Thirst can be caused because the body has a very high sugar content so this will damage the metabolic function. Although often thirsty but when pregnant women drink lots of water then it will still often thirsty. This pregnancy alarm sign should be considered by pregnant women. (read: the benefits of water for pregnant women - due to lack of drinking water for pregnant women)

Frequent urination during pregnancy

The condition of fetal pressure on the uterus that causes the bladder to become smaller is often cause pregnant women to urinate. Pregnant women can indicate whether the volume of water is small more or less than when it was early in pregnancy. In contrast to urinary tract infections in pregnant women that cause the same symptoms. 

Small water volume is lower and mothers often urinate. Diabetes can make the mother frequent urination either in small or large quantities. Usually also will often occur after drinking. The effects of fetal development can indeed cause this problem so a doctor's examination is needed to find out the cause.

Excessive fatigue

Pregnant women are tired quickly is a very reasonable condition. This is due to hormonal and physical changes in pregnant women who continue to be depressed. Especially with increasing age and fetal weight. This can cause the body of pregnant women is very vulnerable. But when the mother's blood sugar level rises quickly then the fatigue becomes bigger. 

This is not the usual fatigue faced by pregnant women. Even because very tired then pregnant women will be very often sleepy. Sometimes some pregnant women can not get up from bed because of the effects of severe fatigue. And pregnant women may be exposed to the dangers of fatigue in pregnant women.

Have a habit of snoring

Some pregnant women can indeed snore due to pressure on the body and can not sleep well. Especially for pregnant women who have respiratory problems such as asthma during pregnancy. But diabetes causes more severe respiratory disorders. Not only due to clogged nose but because the respiratory tract can not work properly. If pregnant women experience this condition then you should immediately go to the doctor to get the examination.

The mouth is dry

Pregnant women will also feel always lack of drinking water and the mouth becomes very dry. This is because the production of saliva in the mouth is also reduced. The activity of the thyroid gland has begun to disrupt due to very high sugar levels. pregnant women will also feel broken lips or even discomfort due to dry saliva. If the mother has felt the mouth that feels more bitter then should immediately go to the doctor.

Fungal infections

Signs of diabetes in other pregnant women is a fungal infection in the body of pregnant women. This condition can cause the mother's mouth has problems such as canker sores, dry tongue or tongue white spots, even fungi that can cause whiteness during pregnancy. 

This condition is very necessary for immediate treatment because sometimes the fungus can grow quickly. If the mother had an infection of the intimate organs then the likelihood of the mother will not be able to give birth normally. Fungal infections can threaten the health of infants including the transmission of fungi to the eyes or other baby's body.

High sugar levels

Then a sure sign of diabetes in pregnant women is the presence of very high levels of sugar. This condition is caused because the pancreas body of pregnant women is not able to produce enough insulin. Then can make all the sugar levels in the body will rise rapidly. If it is like this then pregnant women should get medical treatment from a doctor and manage the condition of diabetes until childbirth. Blood tests during pregnancy are essential to get the right treatment.

How to treat diabetes in pregnant women

Trying to go on a healthy diet. During pregnancy is the mother is not advised to diet or lose weight with a hard effort. But when the results of the examination has shown the mother is exposed to diabetes then the mother must manage eating into the body. 

Some examples of diets for pregnant women, such as:
  • Eat foods that contain high calcium such as milk and cheese.
  • Choosing foods that contain high iron but low in fat such as meat, lean chicken meat and fish are also rich with omega 3.
  • Incorporating foods containing folic acid as daily menu for pregnant women.
  • Eat foods that contain healthy carbohydrates like red rice, whole grains, beans.
  • Consume various sources of complete vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid all types of foods or beverages containing high sugar, sweeteners or carbon.
  • Avoid all types of foods and drinks that contain high caffeine.
  • Perform a variety of reasonable physical activities such as exercise for pregnant women. To keep the mother's blood sugar levels do not rise fast then the mother must perform various activities to move the body. Although the mother's body feels tired or sleepy but must keep moving. Like walking or pregnancy exercise is very good to manage blood sugar. Always perform regular checks to the treating doctor.Examination is very important to know whether the blood sugar level is normal or high. Doctors can provide medication to control blood sugar levels but that is only when necessary according to the condition of pregnant women.
  • Provision of insulin injections is necessary if the mother's blood sugar level is very high. Insulin injections are actually safer for pregnant women than tablets or capsules to control blood sugar levels. Insulin is also very safe because it can not cross the placenta so the baby will not accept any risk.

Diabetes while pregnant side effect

Diabetes is often attacked pregnant women. The problem is, when pregnant, diabetes can also affect the fetus. Here are the risks that may occur in pregnant women with diabetes:

Risk of Diabetes Disease in Pregnant Women and Fetus Risk in Pregnant Women

  • Pre-eclampsia, a syndrome characterized by high blood pressure, elevated levels of protein in the urine (proteinuria), and swelling of the legs (edema).
  • Premature labor
  • Excessive amniotic fluid (hydramnios).
  • Urinary tract infection.
  • Vaginal infections are whitish due to recurrent fungus.
  • Risks In The Fetus

Whatever the risks to the expectant mother, the fetus must also feel the consequences. Here are the risks to the fetus:

  • Stunted growth
  • Born large or giant baby (macrosomia) so that should be born by Caesarean. This is because the fetus receives an excess sugar supply from the mother, converted into protein and fat, making it large.
  • Defective defects, chances are 3 times greater than normal pregnancy.
  • Increased levels of bilirubin.
  • Respiratory syndrome. Excess insulin inhibits the work of cortisol hormone that works to mature fetal lungs. As a result, the fetus's lungs are immature at 38 weeks of age. The risk, the occurrence of respiratory syndrome. Prevent by examining the amniotic fluid to monitor fetal lung maturity.
  • Lack of glucose and calcium.
  • Heart abnormalities.
  • Neurologic and psychological abnormalities in later infants.
  • Sudden death in the womb (sudden death), due to lack of oxygen blood and excess lactic acid. This is a risk if the mother's blood sugar level is not controlled.
  • For that, it is also necessary consultation with the doctor if the mother had diabetes during pregnancy. It aims to avoid possible risks such as above in the mother and fetus.

How is the condition of diabetic mothers after childbirth

Generally mothers who have diabetes during pregnancy are advised to give birth by cesarean unless the condition of the mother's body is ready to give birth normally.This decision should be taken together with a doctor who has treated the mother since pregnancy.

If the mother has received insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels then this treatment is not needed after the baby is born. Generally after the baby is born the condition of blood sugar levels of the mother will return to normal as before.

Sugar checks for the mother remain after the baby is born or a few weeks after the baby is born. This method can help the mother to know if diabetes has disappeared or stay afloat.

Six weeks after the baby is born, the mother still has to check the sugar level. It is very important to know the risk if the body of pregnant women also turned out to have diabetes.

Signs of diabetes in pregnant women should be noted from the beginning, especially if pregnant women have a history of diabetes in the family. Babies who are born will usually have more weight than normal babies. Baby's blood sugar level will not be problematic but examination is still needed to overcome if the baby has diabetic.

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