18 Best Foods for Diabetes Patients

Diabetics or diabetes is required to be able to manage his diet as well as possible, both in terms of quantity, schedule, and type of food. Lack of insulin or insulin resistance causes the sufferer to be careful to keep blood sugar or glucose levels from rising.

The reason, high glucose levels after eating can lead to macrovascular complications such as heart disease and blood vessel disorders. However, these risks can be decreased if diabetics remain consistent live a healthy lifestyle.

They need to choose foods that have a low glycemic index list and provide essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. They also should not increase blood sugar levels significantly, burn fat, inflammatory, and have other health benefits.
Best Foods for Diabetes Patients
Best Foods for Diabetes Patients

18 Recommended Foods for Diabetes Patients

Here is a list of the best food choices recommended for diabetics:

1. Dark chocolate
Chocolate is rich in flavonoids that can increase insulin sensitivity, reduce insulin resistance, speed up blood glucose processing, and reduce the desire to overeat. However, not all chocolate has the same level of efficacy.

Dark chocolate is a type of chocolate that contains more cocoa and less milk than any other type of chocolate.

One study from the University of Copenhagen in 2008 showed that those who ate dark chocolate would have a lower desire to eat sweet, salty, or fatty foods than those who ate milk chocolate. The content of milk chocolate flavanoid alone is lower than chocolate htam, while sugar and fat more.

Black chocolate can even reduce the amount of pizza consumed by volunteers in the same day up to 15%. The content of flavonoids in chocolate also can lower the risk of cancer, control blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attack by 2% for 5 years.

2. Broccoli
The study by Warwick University published in the journal Diabetes reports that broccoli contains sulforaphane compounds that are able to repair and protect protect the blood vessel walls from cardiovascular damage caused by diabetes.

Sulforaphane also triggers anti-inflammatory processes, controls blood glucose levels, enhances natural detoxification mechanisms in the body, and increases the production of enzymes that control harmful chemical compounds that cause cancer. Broccoli also contains chromium which helps increase insulin sensitivity in the body.

3. Blueberry
Blueberries contain either insoluble fiber that removes fat from the body, or soluble fiber that is processed longer in the body and controls blood sugar levels. Research by the USDA shows that those who consume 2 ½ glasses of wild bluberry juice every day for 12 weeks can lower blood glucose levels, overcome depression, and improve memory.

This is because bluberry contains anthocyanin, a natural chemical compound that shrinks fat cells and stimulates the production of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Increasing adiponectin levels can keep blood sugar levels low and increase body sensitivity to insulin.

American Diabetes Association (ADA) even called blueberry as "Diabetes superfood" because of its benefits to health especially when consumed diabetics.

4. Oatmeal
Selection of carbohydrate sources is very important for diabetics because it has a big effect on blood sugar levels. ADA recommends whole grains such as oatmeal containing complex carbohydrates and high soluble fiber. This fiber is slowly digested by the body so that blood glucose levels are more controlled.

Oatmeal is also rich in magnesium that helps the body take advantage of glucose and secretes insulin well. Experiments conducted over eight years showed a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 19% in women on a diet rich in magnesium, and 31% in women who diligently consume whole grains. Oatmeal can also reduce the risk of heart attack which is one of the complications of diabetes.

One of the recommended types of oatmeal is steel cut oats, which are whole-grained oats that are cut into small pieces. This type of oat has a lower glycemic index than instant oatmeal. Steel cut oats also undergo the lowest processing so it takes longer to cook.

5. Fish
Not only rich in protein that makes you feel full longer, fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids that help relieve inflammation. Many studies show that those who have the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood will experience lower inflammation. Inflammation in severe levels can aggravate diabetes and cause weight problems.

Including fish in your diet also helps reduce the risk of getting various diseases, especially stroke, which is one of the complications of diabetes. Based on research from Emory University 2010 ago, people who eat grilled or steamed fish will have a lower risk of stroke by 3%.

However, fried fish, fast food, and other seafood fried can actually increase the risk of getting the same disease.

6. Olive oil (olive oil)
One study in Spain published in the journal Diabetes Care shows that a Mediterranean-style diet that includes olive oil may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost 50% compared to low-fat diets. Diet with olive oil is able to prevent insulin resistance, abdominal fat accumulation, and decreased adiponectin.

ADA recommends that diabetics use olive oil to replace unhealthy fats derived from butter, margarine, and lard. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, and prevent heart disease.

7. Chaff psyllium
Psyllium is a fiber-rich plant originating from India. Its epidermis or husk containing water-soluble fiber is often used to treat constipation and lose weight. But not only that, psyllium husk can also control blood glucose levels of diabetics.

One review from the University of California, San Diego, 2010, published in "Annals of Pharmacotherapy" justifies this benefit. Those who take psyllium before meals will experience an increase in blood sugar levels after eating as much as 2% lower than those who do not.

However, the researchers recommend that patients wait at least 4 hours after eating psyllium before taking other medications, since psyllium may block the absorption of the drug.

8. Beans cannellini
Almost all nuts have a low glycemic index and are rich in fiber and proteins that are beneficial for diabetics. However, the cannellini beans that are often used in various Italian dishes have the lowest glycemic index.

In a study conducted at the University of Toronto, 2012, as many as 121 people with type 2 diabetes do a healthy diet by consuming nuts or whole grains every day. Three months later, those who ate beans had a decrease in the level of A1c (average blood sugar level) almost 2 times compared to those who consumed whole grains.

9. Spinach
Research in the UK showed that those who ate more than one serving of spinach a day and other green leafy vegetables decreased the risk by 14% compared to those who ate only ½ servings per day.

The reason, green leafy vegetables rich in vitamin K and minerals magnesium, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Spinach also contains lutein, zeaxanthin, and other flavonoids.

10. Sweet potato
One analysis found that sweet potatoes were able to reduce HbA1c by 0.3 to 0.57% and accelerate the processing of blood glucose by 10 to 15 points.

Sweet potatoes also contain anthocyanin which is a natural pigment that gives it a dark orange color. Compounds that include antioxidants are useful as anti-inflammatory, anti viral, and anti-microbial. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin A and fiber. Use sweet potato instead of potato because it has a lower glucose index.

11. Walnuts
Walnuts or walnuts contain an unsaturated fatty acid called alpha-linolenic which can decrease inflammation. The fiber content, L-arginine, omega-3, vitamin E, and phytochemical compounds found in walnuts and other nuts make them function as antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, and high cholesterol substances. This property can prevent the development of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Research from Yale University published in the journal "Diabetes Care", 2009, showed that walnut consumption of 56 grams for 8 weeks can improve the function of blood vessels damaged by diabetes. While other studies from Australia reported that patients who consumed 30 grams of walnuts in one year experienced a reduction in fasting blood sugar levels more than those who did not.

12. Kinoa
Kinoa or often referred to as quinoa is the staple food that is often used by the Incas. It tastes like wheat, but its kinship is closer to spinach than rice. In contrast to most wheat, kinoa is a complete source of protein that amounts to 14 grams per ½ cup, including nine essential amino acids.

One of them is lysine, which serves to absorb the whole calcium fat burner and help lower cholesterol. Kinoa is also one of the richest sources of fiber, containing 2.6 grams per ½ cup which helps balance blood sugar levels and makes you feel full longer.

13. Cinnamon
One study in the journal "Diabetes Care" mentions that people with type 2 diabetes who consume one gram of cinnamon or more on a daily basis can reduce fasting sugar by 30% compared to those who do not. Cinnamon also helps lower triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol by 25%.

This is because cinnamon is rich in chromium, a mineral that increases the effects of insulin. Cinnamon also contains polyphenols, antioxidants free radicals fight and can reduce inflammation, thus keeping you from diabetes and heart disease.

14. Collard greens
Dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens (a type of mustard) contain vitamin C is abundant. This vitamin can lower cortisol in the body and reduce inflammation. Collard greens and other cabbage vegetables such as kale and cauliflower are also sources of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), micronutrients that help to cope with stress.

ALA can help reduce blood sugar levels and strengthen the vessels damaged by diabetes.

15. Turmeric
Turmeric has been used to preserve the health of Indian society for about 5 thousand years. To prevent spikes in blood sugar after eating white rice and flour bread that is often used in traditional Indian diet, they include turmeric containing curcumin active ingredients.

Curcumin is believed to regulate the metabolism of fat in the body. Curcumin works on fat cells, pancreatic cells, kidney cells, and muscle cells directly by relieving inflammation and preventing cancer-causing tumor necrosis and interlukin-6. Experts believe that the combination of all these factors makes curcumin able to overcome insulin resistance, cholesterol and high blood sugar levels, as well as other symptoms associated with obesity.

16. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, orange, and lemon contain fiber and vitamin C in high quantities. These fruits contain natural sugar fructose that does not increase blood sugar significantly after consumption. Fiber contained in it can also help control your blood sugar.

Citrus also contains antitterin antioxidants that help prevent obesity, maintain weight, and increase insulin sensitivity.

17. Tomato
One study in Australia reported that daily consumption of tomato juice can reduce the risk of blood clots that often occur in diabetics. These blood clots can cause complications such as heart attacks, strokes, and other life-threatening malignancies. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and other important antioxidants.

Tomatoes also contain lycopene and lutein that protect the kidneys and blood vessels from damage caused by diabetes.

18. Milk and low-fat yogurt
In addition to sugar, fat is also a matter that must be considered by people with diabetes. Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes because of the nasty fat deposits in the body that cause the body is insensitive to insulin. Therefore, ADA recommends milk consumption and low-fat yogurt to meet your daily fat, calcium, and vitamin D needs.

Research from the University of Cambridge even shows that consumption of low-fat yogurt can reduce the risk of diabetes by 28% compared to not eat it at all. Researchers also believe that microbes in yogurt are useful to reduce the inflammation that is often experienced by diabetics.

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