What is Thrush? The Symptomps and How to Cure Sprue

Thrush which in medical term is called aftosa stomatitis (apthous stomatitis) or afternoon canker is a wound in the mouth that can cause pain and discomfort. The wound can be oval or round, and white or yellow with red edges due to inflammation. The location of canker sores can occur on the inside of the cheeks or lips, as well as on the surface of the gums and tongue. Thrush that grow can amount to one or more.
What is Thrush? The Symptomps and How to Prevent Sprue
Thrush : google.com/imghp
Based on its size, ulcer sores can be divided into three, namely minor, major, and herpatiformis. Minor canker sores have a diameter of about 1 cm and are the most common type of people. Meanwhile, major thrush sores have a diameter of 2-3 cm and can grow in the sky of the mouth or tongue. The wound is deeper with irregular edges. Different from both types of previous canker sores, herpatiformis is a type of ulcers that rarely occur. The wound size is only 1-2 millimeters in diameter and the cederung grows in clusters (consisting of 10 to 100 cuts).

Thrush is generally not including diseases that can be contagious. However, in some cases, ulcers can be caused by a viral infection. This condition usually occurs in children, as in cases of hand disease, feet, and mouth. Sprue disease is mostly experienced by adolescents aged 10 to 19 years due to lack of maintaining oral hygiene or damage to the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. Symptoms of canker sores that appear are usually not severe and can be recovered without medical treatment within one to two weeks.

Symptoms of Sprue

At first, the symptoms of canker sores are usually not immediately felt, but develop slowly. Thrush can survive in a matter of days, weeks, or even months. Thrush can also cause some very disturbing symptoms, including:

  1. Uncomfortable in the mouth.
  2. Common white wounds appear on the tongue or wall of the mouth.
  3. Mild bleeding that occurs if the wound is scratched.
  4. Burning sensation in the mouth.
  5. The inside of the mouth and throat redden and feel sore so difficult to swallow when eating.
  6. The skin at the corners of the mouth is cracked or reddish (especially on dentures).
  7. Fever during sprue spreads to the esophagus.
  8. If left untreated, the fungus that causes the sprue can spread to other organs, such as the lungs, liver, and skin. However, this is more prevalent in people with cancer, HIV, or other conditions that cause the immune system to decline.

Therefore, if your canker sores and does not heal, you should see a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient's mouth and recommend a blood test to check for the possibility of other diseases that cause the sprue.

Causes of Sprue

The cause of canker sores is Candida albicans fungi. This fungus is usually in the mouth in small amounts, but will result in sprue if the growth becomes uncontrollable. Uncontrolled mushroom growth is due to immune system failure to expel bad microbes.

Some conditions that trigger canker sores are:

  1. Oral hygiene is not well maintained.
  2. A decreased immune system, for example in people with HIV or in people undergoing chemotherapy.
  3. Use of antibiotics in the long term and high doses, seta corticosteroids for people with asthma.
  4. Use of dentures with fitting sizes or that are not cleaned regularly.
  5. The use of drugs that can decrease saliva production.
  6. Have a disease or health condition that is susceptible to canker sores, such as HIV / AIDS, cancer, diabetes, or infection
  7. Hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  8. Lack of nutrition, such as vitamin B 12 or iron.
  9. Smoke.
  10. Undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  11. The mouth is dry because of the use of drugs or the condition of having certain diseases.

Thrush can occur due to various factors, including:

  1. Medical conditions that include iron deficiency or vitamin B12, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, reactive arthritis, weak immune systems (eg due to HIV and lupus disease), Behcet's disease, and viral infections (eg colds, hand, foot and mouth diseases , or a cold).
  2. Injury or damage to the inner lining of the mouth. This can happen because the lips are bitten by accident, teeth that are too sharp, wear braces, or chew a hard food.
  3. Drug side effects or treatment methods, such as nicorandil, beta blockers, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.
  4. Hormonal changes. This condition is usually experienced by women who can experience canker sores during menstruation.
  5. Eat certain foods or drinks, such as spicy food and coffee.
  6. Using toothpaste containing sodium lauret sulphate.
  7. Quit smoking. Thrush can occur in the early days of a person stopping smoking.
  8. Psychological conditions, such as anxiety or stress.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Sprue

The diagnosis of sprue can be determined on the basis of physical examination of the patient, especially examining the size of the wound sores, and the review of the patient's medical history. Common ulcers can recover by themselves within one to two weeks. However, independent treatment can be done to reduce the pain or discomfort experienced, including:

  • Use a straw while drinking to reduce pain.
  • Use toothpaste that does not contain irritating ingredients, such as sodium laurel sulphate, and use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth.
  • Avoid all the triggers that can aggravate canker sores.
  • Eat soft foods and avoid foods that are hard, spicy, sour, salty or hot beverages until the sores are healed.

If the pain can not be treated with self-medication or wound multiply or large, then the doctor can recommend the provision of drugs include:

  • Pain relief medicine. These drugs can make the mouth numb so that does not feel pain for a while. Pain relievers may be given in the form of mouthwash, spray, or gel (eg benzoacaine cream and lidocaine). For use of mouthwash, preferably not more than 7 days and not given to children under 12 years old. In addition, there are also painkillers that can protect the wound so that the severity of the pain can be suppressed. Drugs belonging to this class are sucralfate, bismuthsubsalicylate, and oral bioadherent.
  • Corticosteroid drugs. This medicine can relieve pain and speed healing. This medicine should be used as soon as the wound appears. Which include cortiosteroid drugs are dexamethasone, triaciomonole, fluocinoide, and clobetasol.
  • Antimicrobial drugs. These drugs can speed healing and prevent infection of the wound. Examples of this drug are tetracycline, chlorhexidene gluconate and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Immunosuppressant drugs. This drug can inhibit the formation of wounds in the mouth and is usually reserved patients with severe cases of canker sores. Included in this class of drugs are cochline, clofazimine, azathioprine, and thalidomide.

Thrush in general will subside and disappear within one or two weeks. A new physician examination is required if:

  • You suffer from canker sores repeatedly.
  • Canker sores get sick or become red indicating a bacterial infection.
  • Thrush does not heal within three weeks.

How to Prevent Thrush?

Thrush can be prevented with easy steps. Among them:
  1. Maintain oral hygiene (eg, diligent toothbrush and gargle).
  2. Maintain and check the condition of the mouth and teeth regularly to the dentist.
  3. Overcoming chronic health problems (eg HIV or diabetes) that can interfere with bacterial development causing canker sores.
  4. Limit the use of mouthwash or mouth perfume so as not to damage the balance of normal bacteria in the mouth.
  5. Limit consumption of foods with high levels of sugar and foods containing yeast.
  6. Caring for and maintaining the cleanliness of dentures used by removing dentures every night, cleaning them, and muffling them in a water mixture with denture cleansing tablets. .
  7. Quit smoking.
  8. Cleaning between teeth with dental floss or dental floss regularly.
Especially for people with asthma who take corticosteroid drugs through an inhaler, you are advised to always gargle and rinse the inhaler after using it.

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