10 Beer Nutrition Myths and Facts You Should Know

Beer is one of the most popular beverages. Thousands or even millions of people in the world have drunk it, and even some people believe that what they are doing is right. Many people believe that beer has many mineral and vitamin content that are beneficial to the body and can promote a healthier life.

Beers Nutrition Data / Nutrition At Beer with 4% Alcohol:

Beer 4% Alcohol is an alcoholic beverage commonly consumed by the people of the world. Beer 4% Alcohol contains energy of 48 kilocalories, 0.6 grams of protein, 4.4 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fat, 4 milligrams of calcium, 26 milligrams of phosphorus, and 0 milligrams of iron. Also in the Beer 4% Alcohol also contains vitamin A as much as 0 IU, vitamin B1 0 milligrams and vitamin C 0 milligrams. The results were obtained from a study of 100 grams of Beer 4% Alcohol, with an edible amount of 100%.

Name of Food: Beer 4% Alcohol
Other Name / Alternative: Bier 4% Alcohol
Number of Beer 4% Alcohol studied (Food Weight) = 100 gr
4% Beer Part of consumable alcohol (Bdd / Food Edible) = 100%
Number of Energy Beer 4% Alcohol = 48 kcal
Number of Protein Beer 4% Alcohol = 0.6 gr
Number of Beef Fat content 4% Alcohol = 0 gr
Number of Carbohydrates Beer 4% Alcohol = 4.4 gr
Calcium Beer Calcium 4% Alcohol = 4 mg
Number of Phosphorus Beer 4% Alcohol = 26 mg
Number of Iron Beer Substance 4% Alcohol = 0 mg
Number of Vitamin A Beer 4% Alcohol = 0 IU
Number of Vitamin B1 Beer Content 4% Alcohol = 0 mg
Number of Vitamin C Beer 4% Alcohol = 0 mg

Beer with other brands certainly has a different nutritional content.

Beer Nutrition Myths and Facts You Should Know


Myth: Beer is a useful natural drink. Some people believe that beer is a very useful drink and should be part of their daily diet. Some people assume that beer has a small concentration of alcohol and if taken in reasonable doses may be beneficial to health.

Fact: In real, beer should be considered more dangerous than wine or vodka, because it contains many harmful composites processed from the fermentation. These toxic composites (usually waste fermentation) include aldehydes, Fusel oils, methanol, ether and so on. In addition, the alcohol content in beer is not always low and sometimes there are 14 percent.


Myth: Beer does not have an alcohol-like effect that can make people addicted.

Fact: Beer addicts will experience severe psychological disorders and often accompanied by anosognosia or make people out of control and difficult to get rid of these bad habits. It does not take long for someone to fall in the psychological dependence of beer consumption. So should be careful to try this drink.


Myth: Beer is useful to help people switch from heavy drinking alcohols like vodka, wine and whiskey.

Fact: Many people have been tricked into thinking beer consumption is better than vodka or whiskey. In fact, beer and vodka both have harmful effects.


Myth: Beer is useful for our brains. Beer contains silica, which can prevent brain atrophy, speech impediment and other problems.

Fact: Actually, alcohol destroys our brain cells and this process takes place very quickly in teenagers and youth. Common beer consumption affects human intelligence and learning ability.


Myth: Beer is good for the heart and blood vessels

Fact: Beer causes very dangerous changes in the physical form and work of the human heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Beer contains large amounts of carbon dioxide that quickly enter the blood and cause problems of blood vessels, such as varicose veins.


Myth: Beer has a pleasant taste and is useful for our digestion.

Fact: Studies show that drinking too much beer increases a person's risk of colon cancer. In addition, beer contains elements such as cobalt, which is known for its properties triggering inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.


Myth: Beer is useful because it has many vitamins. Some beer lovers believe that by drinking 1 liter of beer a day can meet the daily portion of all the required ingredients and vitamins.

Fact: Actually, beer is almost no vitamins at all. During the manufacturing process, all of the original vitamins will be lost. As a result, 1 liter of beer contains only 0.005-0.15 mg of thiamine and riboflavin 0.3-1.3 mg.


Myth: Beer can improve sexual function

Fact: Alcohol is always bad for sexual functioning, both in men and women. Alcohol inhibits androgen production in the body, which can substantially decrease sex drive. In addition, the beer also contains some toxic substances, including heavy metal composites, which can cause harmful changes in the endocrine system.


Myth: Beer is useful for our nervous system because it has a calming effect and helps to relieve stress

Fact: Beer affects the nervous system because it contains certain psychoactive elements, which makes beer act as a heady toxic drink. In addition, beer has properties such as tranquilizers, which affect memory and sensorimotor work.


Myth: This beer is good for the kidneys because of its diuretic properties

Fact: Beer ishes out proteins, fats, carbohydrates and essential elements that are good for our bodies especially potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Potassium deficiency can cause the body to undergo changes in heart rhythm, dry skin, leg pain. While magnesium deficiency triggers sleep disorders, irritability and nervousness. Vitamin C deficiency in the body also causes immune problems, decreased concentration and mental imbalances.

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