How to Fulfill Daily Vitamin D intake for the Body

Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for bone health. In addition, vitamin D also helps the absorption of calcium by the body, in addition as a supporter to boost immunity.

However, if you are not exposed to sunlight or have a problem in absorbing vitamins, you may not get adequate daily vitamin D intake.

How many doses of vitamin D do I need each day?

For ages 1-70 years, the recommended daily dose of vitamin D is about 600 IU (International Unit), including for pregnant and lactating women; 800 IU for age> 71 years. For children aged 0-12 months, the recommended daily intake is 1,000 IU per day.
How to Fulfill Daily Vitamin D intake for the Body
Sunlight is the easiest way to get vitamin D :

How to Fulfill Daily Vitamin D

Here are some ways you can meet the necessary intake of vitamin D:

1. Sunlight
Sunlight (ultraviolet light B) is the most natural way to get vitamin D for the body. Exposure to direct sunlight on the skin can encourage the body to produce vitamin D. 15-20 minutes 'sunburn' in the sun is enough to get the benefits. To avoid the heat is too hot, it is recommended to bask in the morning, at least before 9 am, or when you feel the heat is not too piercing in the skin.

2. Fish
Fish, especially fatty ones, are good sources of vitamin D. Common choices are salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, until eel. In addition, you will also get omega-3 fatty acids from these foods, which is good for your heart health.

Does canned fish also provide vitamin D intake? Yes. You can eat canned fish, tuna or sardines, to get this vitamin. In addition to durable, this option is also cheaper than fresh fish.
Milk (enriched)

The various dairy products we now meet are generally fortified with additional nutrients, including vitamin D supplements. Yogurt, soy milk, and cereals are also enriched with vitamin D.

Because the amount is different, and not all products contain vitamin D, so be sure to check the product label you buy to know the amount of vitamin D content in it.

3. Egg yolk
A delicious way to get vitamin D is to consume eggs, egg yolk exactly. So, if you're used to putting away the yolk when you eat, think back now.

One yolk gives about 40 IU of vitamin D. However, do not consume too much eggs just to meet your daily intake of vitamin D. An egg contains 200 milligrams of cholesterol, and many experts say not to consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, for the sake of your heart's health.

4. Vitamin D Supplements
You can get a more adequate and 'measurable' vitamin D intake by taking supplements. Take a good look at the supplement labels you take, and if you are unsure of the doses you should consume, consult a doctor or nutritionist. This is because excessive vitamin D intake (> 4,000 IU) can be harmful to the body.

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