Back Pain Types Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

Back pain is a pain or stiffness that can be felt along the spine, from the base of the neck to the coccyx. Symptoms can be pain coming and going, and tend to worsen in the night. Back pain can be triggered by a posture that is not ideal when sitting, standing, or bending. This condition can also be caused by the effects of lifting objects that are too heavy.

Back pain is usually not caused by serious things and can be treated only by continuing to move actively and taking painkillers. However, in some cases, it can be very torturous and cause unbearable pain that interferes with daily activities.
Back pain :

Back Pain Types

Lower back pain is the most common type. A study shows that cases of low back pain occur in many women and those aged 40-80 years.

However, other back pain can also be felt along the spine, from the neck to the pelvis. Here are some types of back pain based on the cause and location of the pain:

  • Frozen shoulder, the appearance of pain and stiffness in the neck.
  • Sciatica, ie pain due to irritation and pressure on the sciatic nerves that cause numbness or tingling spread from the lower back through the buttocks to the sole of the foot.
  • Whiplash, a neck injury from a sudden collision.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, a chronic inflammation that affects the spine, precisely in the area between the spine and pelvis.
  • Slipped disc, when the backbone joint disc is damaged and ends up pressing nearby nerves
  • Back pain that has no specific or unknown cause. Some medical conditions are suspected to be a trigger back pain, namely arthritis disease.

Diagnosis may be necessary to determine the cause and determine the necessary treatment.

Back Pain Symptoms

Back pain can be caused by various things, ranging from bad habits to the side effects of injury. However, the symptoms will usually be the same, among others:

  • Sharp and localized pain in the lower back, upper and neck areas. This condition is especially felt just after a certain activity or lifting heavy objects.
  • The back pain that radiates from the lower back to the butt down the back of the thigh and to the toes.
  • Rigid and persistent pain that is felt throughout the spine. Not able to stand up straight without the pain or stiff muscles in the lower back.
  • Chronic pain in the lower or middle back, especially after sitting or standing long.

Beware of These Back Pain Symptoms

Without visiting the doctor, back pain will generally improve by itself within 4-6 weeks. But if the pain does not go away and is unbearable, you can consult the doctor.
You should also be aware of some of the symptoms that can refer to a more serious illness. You should visit your doctor immediately if you experience any of these emergency symptoms:

  • Fever above 38 ° C
  • Difficult urination
  • Losing weight without knowing the cause
  • Back pain that does not subside after you lie down
  • Pain in the chest
  • Pain in one or both legs especially if the pain creeps down the knee
  • Pain that worsened at night
  • Can not resist urination and large
  • Numbness in the genital area, buttocks or back of the body
  • Swelling and redness of the back

The above symptoms usually refer to a more serious illness. If your back pain does not improve after three days, consult your doctor. This step is also worth doing if for more than six weeks, you experience a series of back pain.

Prevent Back Pain

Posture and exercise greatly affect the health of your spine. Try to avoid backing from excessive pressure to avoid back injuries. Several types of exercise done regularly can help prevent back pain and increase flexibility of the back muscles.

The best way to prevent back pain is to stay active and exercise regularly, and maintain good posture.

If you feel the back pain that comes often over and over again, first try some of the following suggestions.

  • Correct Posture Position

Posture plays a major role in causing or preventing back pain. Backbone health is determined by how you lie down, sit, and stand. Here are some tips to keep your posture in the ideal position:

  • Sleep

Use a pillow while sleeping. Make sure your pillow is not too high to make the neck bend. Make sure your bedding is thick enough to keep the spine straight and can support your shoulders and buttocks well.

  • Stand up

Balance the weight on both legs. Stand with your back and head straight, and legs straight. If you stand for a long time, place one of your feet on a slightly higher foot to lift some of the spinal load. Replace the leg after a while.

  • Sit

If you often type throughout the day, make sure your elbows position a 90 degree angle with the keyboard position always aligned with the navel.

Pillow or towel rolls can be used to keep your posture to stay normal. Change your sitting position regularly, at least every half hour.

  • Drive

Adjust the seat distance until the pedal is within comfortable range. Make sure your lower back is well supported and your posture is upright. Also, make sure the rearview mirror is at an exact angle so you do not have to look too much or turn back or sideways. Spend regular breaks to stretch your legs when you drive long distances.

  • Good Position when Lifting and Carrying Goods

Injuries when lifting or carrying heavy items are a major cause of back pain, especially if you feel you can do it without the help of a tool or other person. Think well before you try to lift or carry heavy objects. Ask for help from the nearest person or find a tool to do so. Here are some methods you can do while doing these activities to reduce the chance of injury.

  • Start with a good position: Lifting the load by just bending your body and straight legs can harm your back. Open your legs shoulder width apart, with one leg slightly forward to keep the balance. Bend a knee slightly as it lifts the object. Weigh the object with both legs when lifting objects. Slowly bent and slightly bent her knees and pelvis. Keep bending and tightening your abdominal muscles to pull your pelvis inside. Do not stand upright before lifting because it can injure the back while lifting the object up.
  • Bring the load to the waist: as long as possible, bring the heaviest load you carry to the body.
  • Avoid turning your body forward or side, especially if you are bending. Better to rotate by moving the foot. Make sure your shoulders are always parallel to the hips.
  • Lift your head as you lift the object in your hand, look ahead. Not looking at things that are being carried.
  • Better to push than to pull heavy objects.
  • Divide the weight of the object you bring in two hands or two sides of the body, especially when you're carrying your groceries or luggage.
  • Know your abilities: make sure your own strengths and loads of goods. Make a personal estimate, whether you can pick up the object yourself or have to ask for help.

Back Pain Treatment 

Generally back pain will improve after being treated for several weeks. However, the type of treatment will be differentiated according to the severity, duration of occurrence, and the needs of each person. Treatment of back pain is divided into two parts related to the duration of this condition occurs.

1. Handling Short-Term Back Pains

Generally home care and free pain reliever consumption at the pharmacy can treat back pain that occurs less than 1.5 months.

  • Keep moving on

Back pain patients usually think to rest until the pain subsides, but in fact it is known that by staying active, back pain sufferers have a faster healing time. Light exercise such as walking or doing daily activities will actually help your pain recovery.

You do need to adapt to the pain and discomfort that still feels. If it feels heavy, start with light activity and make improvements from day to day. However, it is advisable to avoid severe activity that can cause severe pain. Do it gradually as you gradually recover.

  • Pain relief medicine

The following are medicines that are commonly used to relieve back pain:

  • Paracetamol
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen
  • Codeine, is harder and sometimes used in conjunction with paracetamol
  • Beware of side effects from painkillers that can interfere with kidney function, trigger an allergic reaction, to addiction.

  • Cold and hot therapy

Temperature changes can help reduce muscle tension and help relieve pain. Place cold or warm objects in the affected area. But avoid putting ice directly on the skin. Wrap the ice pack with a cloth, then place it on the affected part. In addition, a warm washed compress which is then placed in a painful area can be an alternative therapy. Warm bath water can also help.

  • Changing lifestyle

Being overweight, stress, and bad posture can also be the cause of back pain. Regular exercise can help prevent this condition, so you avoid pain.

Choose activities that you enjoy and bring benefits such as walking, swimming, or yoga.

  • Sleeping position

If you are used to sleeping on your back, place a pillow under your knee. While if you used to sleep sideways, lift your legs slightly toward the chest, then place a pillow between the legs. These positions will help keep your lower back post in a normal position.

Changing the sleeping position can help reduce pain and relieve pressure on the back.

  • Relaxing muscles and mind

Worrying about the situation you are facing makes the muscles tense. Research shows that people who remain optimistic when suffering from back pain tend to recover faster and can avoid long-term pain.

As much as possible try to do relaxation. Practice taking a deep breath regularly in a quiet place. Make yourself as comfortable as possible.

2. Treatment of Long-Term Back Pain

Here are some treatments you can choose if you have chronic back pain (more than 1.5 months). These treatments are effective for people who feel their back pain is very disturbing to them in the course of activity.

  • Manual therapy

Physiotherapists or chiropractors can help you reduce pain with massage. Some uses of manual therapy, among others:

  • Physiotherapy: therapy to improve motor function due to injury, disability, or disease.
  • Terapichiropractic: a scientific method for diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system (the muscles and skeletal body).
  • The above handling sequences can be integrated for back pain that has occurred for more than six weeks and is considered chronic.

  • Sports

Exercise aims to improve posture and strengthen your muscles. This target can be achieved by stretching and aerobics.

  • Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine is proven to help relieve lower back pain. Treatment is done by inserting fine needles that are plugged into several different points on the body.

  • Antidepressant drugs

Antidepressant medications may be given if painkillers are not beneficial. Drugs commonly used to overcome depression is also effective in dealing with some cases of persistent pain.

Perhaps doctors will prescribe tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) such as amitriptyline in small doses.

  • Counseling

Negative feelings and thoughts that accompany back pain can worsen your condition. At times like this you may need cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or cognitive behavioral therapy to rearrange your perception of the pain. This step is expected to be useful to relieve the pain suffered. Patients undergoing CBT have been shown to be active and less experienced pain.

  • Clinical pain

This specialist clinic helps people with back pain in improving their activity and does not drag on the focus in pain due to the condition it feels. The programs available at this clinic are a combination of physical exercise, relaxation, group therapy, and education about the psychology of pain.

3. Back Pain Surgery

The type of surgery to be applied depends on the type and severity of the pain. This option is selected if the pain is persistent and feels unbearable until you can not move or sleep.

Here are some types of surgery that can be undertaken:

  • Disectomy

Dysectomy is a type of surgery to remove the joint disc located between the vertebral segments along the spine that undergoes a shift. This procedure is done to prevent pressure on the surrounding neural network

  • Fusion or spinal integration

Spinal fusion surgery is a procedure whereby the joints causing pain are put together with other joints so that the rear pour is more stable. This process is done to reduce pain.

Before approving the procedure, discuss the risks and benefits of each of these procedures with the physician as these steps do not always yield the desired results. You may experience obstacles in moving and still feel pain after surgery. The surgical procedure also has the risk of serious complications that need to be considered well, such as paralysis of one or both legs.

Other Treatment Steps That Is Not Recommended

Some of the following handling is sometimes done to treat long-term back pain, but it is not actually recommended because its effectiveness has not been tested.

  • Injection: injection of pain medication into the back
  • Drag: use of rope, pulley, and load to pull the surrounding tissue
  • Lumbar bone support: placing a cushion or backrest to support the spine
  • Ultrasound therapy: healing and repairing tissues with ultrasound waves
  • Low-level laser therapy: repair damaged tissue and reduce inflammation by focusing low-level laser energy onto the back
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): the TENS engine works by passing electricity through small electrodes attached to the back

Prevent Back Pain in Children and Young Adults

Back pain can also occur in children and young adults. This condition is common at the age of 18-20 years. Carrying heavy bags, uncomfortable class seating, injuries while playing can be a major cause.

Encourage your child to work out together like swimming or walking on weekends. In addition, it is better if the child uses a backpack type bag that distributes the weight of the load evenly on both sides of the body. Remind him to always hold it on both shoulders.

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