18 Foods to Strengthen Bone and Teeth

Bone is one part of the body that is important for every human being because it becomes the most vital structure. Without bone, of course we will not be able to stand let alone walk and therefore, this part of the body is necessary to keep us well. Through the food we consume, nutrients from these foods will be absorbed into the bone.
high calcium food
Milk can strengthen bone and teeth : pixabay.com

18 Foods to Strengthen Bone and Teeth

Foods that contain high calcium is certainly the most needed by the body when it wants to strengthen bones. Or, foods that contain vitamin D are also very important to support health and bone strength. Therefore, bone strengthening foods below are necessary for you to be able to prevent osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

1. Milk

There is no doubt that milk gets into the bone booster food because in milk there is a very high calcium content. Bones are in need of calcium contained in milk, not only children but also adults and elderly. Every day you can drink 2 glasses of milk to keep bones strong.

2. Yogurt

This dairy product is known to come from the fermentation of a good type of bacteria and therefore a good food for digestion. In addition to digestion, yogurt is rich in calcium and vitamin D so it will certainly help the body get enough calcium needs.

3. Cheese

Almost the same as yogurt and milk, the cheese is rich in calcium content where it can be consumed regularly to make bones always healthy and strong. Just so as not to trigger high blood or high cholesterol, low-fat cheese is the most recommended for consumption.

4. Soybeans

DIetary ingredient to strengthening bones for vegetarians are soybeans, which these foods are a safe source of vegetable and are also rich in vegetable proteins other than their high calcium. For the prevention of bone loss, eating soy every day is a good choice. So, vegetarians do not have to worry about choosing the right bone-boosting foods. If you want to drink milk but have a history of lactose allergy, soy milk may be an option.

5. Spinach

Type of vegetables that can also strengthen the bone is a spinach in which you can cook vegetables as much as 1 cup every day. In the dosage there is approximately 25 percent of the calcium needed by the adult human body. Apart from calcium, the content of vitamin A, iron and fiber are also very high.

6. Almonds

Healthy snack is indeed high in calcium as well as vitamin D is beneficial for bone health. Moreover, almonds have omega-3 content that is good for brain health. Even almonds can also be consumed to maintain and improve skin health due to the high vitamin E content. So there are many benefits that can be obtained by snacking almonds.

7. Salmon

Foods that contain high omega-3 one is often consumed to nourish the brain, when in fact salmon is also good for health and bone strength. In addition to omega-3, there is also a high vitamin D content so that bones and teeth will not easily fragile. Salmon as much as 3 ounces of course it can be a fulfilling daily vitamin D requirement of the body.

8. Eggs

One more food is very rich in protein, vitamin D and calcium that you can consume regularly so that the nutrients needed bones can be met perfectly. For children who are still growing, the essential amino acids contained in the eggs are also very good.

9. Green Mustard

This type of vegetable is the same as spinach in which the calcium content is so high that you can consume it daily to strengthen bones. The intake of 25 percent of calcium for daily bone needs can be met by a cup of mustard that has been cooked. So, consume these mustard greens alternate with other bone strengthening foods so as not to feel bored.

10. Sesame Seeds

Rich in calcium, sesame seeds is one source of food that can also be relied upon to strengthen the bone optimally. Remember also that sesame seed is also good for dental health because it can be a solvent plaque attached to tooth enamel. Eat regular sesame seeds regularly if you do not want to get too frequent or routine.

11. Green Radish

In addition to broccoli and green mustard, green radish is one of the dark green leafy vegetables rich in calcium so it would be safe if consumed regularly. Inside green radish there is also an alkaline content that will be a helper for the body to bone stronger. In addition, there is also a sterol content that will make the absorption of calcium into the bone is more optimal. Not only good for bone, turnip greens are also good for healthy teeth.

12. Celery

Types of vegetables that usually become lowering high blood pressure is also still included in foods that can strengthen bones. Celery is very useful in maintaining oral health also so free from bacteria. So if you want bones and teeth are always healthy, celery can you consume regularly and put in your daily diet menu.

13. Orange Juice

When hearing the fruit of oranges, which is directly in our minds is the highest vitamin C content. However, 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice even in the absence of vitamin D and calcium intake has been proven by a study that ascorbic acid content is able to make maximum calcium absorption.

14. Tuna

In addition to salmon, tuna species also have a high vitamin D content, so to strengthen the bones are also very nutritious. Vitamin D intake the body needs daily can be met up to 39 percent by eating 3 ounces of tuna, so start considering to eat them.

15. Sardines

Salmon already, then there is a tuna fish, and this time the sardines are recommended. The content of vitamin D and calcium in sardines is fairly high even though the packaging is in the form of cans. You can try to strengthen the bones by eating this one meal.

16. Carrots

It is true and no doubt that carrots are foods that contain vitamin A so it is better known for the eyes only. Whereas more than that, carrots have a good beta-carotene content for bone and can strengthen it. Whether it's a salad or a soup, even if you want to eat raw is also legitimate, depending on your taste.

17. Walnuts

This type of bean is rich in omega-3s which is really good not only for brain health, but also supports bone strength. The content of alpha linoleic acid in walnuts is also high so it serves to make the body always strong. All types of bone disorders can be reduced risk if you diligently eat this walnut.

18. Apples
This one fruit is well known for being able to protect the body from all kinds of diseases. Eat apples regularly at once with the skin so that because it is the skin of apples that are known to play a role as a bone health guard. For maximum results, consume 1-2 apples per day.

These are the kinds of bone reinforcement foods and teeth that you can consume daily to prevent disease or bone disorders. However, consider the consumption of each food so as not to the level of the less or too much. Eating at the correct dosage is certainly much better and recommended.

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