Heart Desease Causes That Must Be Wary Of

Heart disease can be suffered by anyone, every level of age and sex, from children who are still toddlers until aged, both men and women all have a chance of heart disease.

No wonder heart disease overcome the deadly disease in the world. Therefore you need to maintain heart health that starts from yourself.

Heart disease is theoretically caused by the smooth flow of blood to the heart. This makes the heart work so stunted.

Although heart disease is a dangerous type of disease, but there are still many people who do not know or aware of the various factors that cause heart disease itself.
Heart graph : pixabay.com

Heart Desease Causes

In general, the factors that cause heart disease are genetic factors as well as unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking and obesity, but in addition to these factors there are still factors that cause heart disease that can increase the risk of heart attack.

By knowing what factors cause heart disease, then we can do the prevention of heart disease earlier, thus minimizing the occurrence of heart attacks.

Hereditary factors

From some studies that have been done, there is data showing that if there is a history of heart problems in the family either from a female family or a male family, their offspring are more likely to have the same heart disease problem.

Diabetes Disease Factors

Diabetics can develop heart disease due to complications. Diabetics should pay attention to health because it can affect as the cause of heart disease.

Lifestyle Factor and Lack of Sports

People who lack exercise have a higher risk of heart attack. Doing exercise regularly can increase the heart's ability to pump and can lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.


Being overweight can increase high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of body fat. Avoiding or treating obesity (overweight) is the main way to avoid diabetes. Diabetes will then increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Be careful with weight because with excessive weight will easily be exposed to the risk of heart disease.


Stress conditions can cause arterial narrowing, a condition where arterial narrowing may decrease blood flow levels. Severe stress can lead to rupture of artery walls that trigger heart attacks.

That's some of the factors that cause heart disease that can be used as reference materials and information that can be used to prevent heart attacks earlier. To be able to prevent heart disease, then we must really pay attention to the factors that cause heart disease.

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