Bump in Lips? May be Mucocele. Know the Causes and Treatment

The most likely cause of lumps on your lips is mucosal / mucocele cysts. These mucocels are harmless, caused by clogged droplets or injuries such as bitten lips / biting lips, piercing, rubbing, etc. Mucocele usually appears with a fluid-like lump and slightly bluish, painless and itchy, only disturbing.

Mucocele can also disappear by itself. However, some cases may be enlarged, requiring medical treatment. You should be vigilant if the bump is bleeding continuously, enlarges rapidly or rash, swelling of the lips or jaw, and the lump is painful.

You can go to a dermatologist or dentist to make sure it is not dangerous. This consultation can not be used to obtain confirmation of the diagnosis or condition that is being suffered. Direct examination by a doctor is still needed to make the diagnosis.
Mucocele : google image

Know Mucocele

Mucocele is one of the fewer diseases heard. Even many people who do not know what is mucocele disease. Many who ignore this disease, even considered trivial and harmless. Mucocele is one of the diseases such as lumps of soybean seeds or peanuts in the mouth, there is under the tongue, on the inside cheek and even inside the inside of the lip either the upper lip or inner lips.

Mucocele Causes

Mucocele is caused by blockage of the saliva channel on the lips or mouth resulting in the collection of fluids. The causes of mucocele include:

  • Bitten lips
  • Impaled
  • Contact or friction with teeth for a long time
  • Lack of oral hygiene

Mucocele Treatment

Small mucocele less than 2 cm in size are generally harmless and do not require any treatment and will disappear by themselves.

But, in a large enough mucocele and does not shrink it is necessary to remove the action such as:

  • Laser
  • Cryotherapy
  • Surger 
  • Steroid injections in the mucocele. 

How to Prevent Mucocele

The main cause of mucocele is the presence of blocked salivary ducts with infection. Therefore, to prevent it required some steps or ways that can be done easily.

  • Often clean mouth

dirty mouth will hold a lot of germs. These germs can cause mucocele to form and can make it smell bad. Get used to brushing your teeth after eating until the teeth clean.

  • Use mouthwash

brushing teeth is sometimes not enough to reach parts that are hard to reach a toothbrush. In addition, anti-bacterial content in mouthwash will also increase the oral immune from mucocele.

  • Avoid sharp / thorny food

This type of food can injure the inside of your mouth. You like seafood for example. You should start to be careful that the sharp part of the food does not pierce your mouth.

  • Often touch your mouth

To know the symptoms of mucocele early you can grope the inside of your mouth. If you find a lump then immediately go to the doctor for appropriate medical treatment.

  • Stop the habit of biting the lips

Habits are hard to remove. But if bad habits such as biting the lips continue to be done, this will trigger the occurrence of mucocele. Understand that this habit can cause illness for your mouth.

That's the knowledge of mucocele, its symptoms, and its treatment. Mucocele meerupakan a disease that can be prevented if we diligently maintain oral hygiene.Do not let a serious disease just because you are lazy to keep your mouth clean.

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