Hair Removal Tips for Smooth Legs and Hands Skin

Humans basically have no hair, because the definition of the feather itself is a smooth and soft layer on the surface of the body. What more afdol if we call it with fine hair. The appearance of feathers on the feet can be caused by various factors. Starting from genetics to environmental influences.
Hair Removal Tips for Smooth Legs and Hands Skin
Laser hair removal : wikimedia commons

How to remove the hair legs permanently

For men, most love the appearance of feathers on the feet. Because with the feathers on the feet, they can appear more dashing and courageous, though not all so. There are also men who do not like the fur, especially the feathers on the hands and feet are dense.

As for a woman, fur is also a disaster that is very disturbing their appearance. With the appearance of feathers on the feet and hands, a woman will not look smooth and beautiful. Because the feathers cover the smooth skin of a woman.

Now look at the problem of the feathers, on this good occasion I will try to share some tips on how to remove the hairs and feet, either naturally or in a modern way.

Cause of hair growth

  1. Hair grow depending on one's hormonal factors, so there are some people who have thick hair and some who do not have any hair
  2. Growth of armpit hair can also be caused by sexual levels, so usually those with thick hair feathers high sexual level. But that does not mean everything is just that average
  3. Because enter puberty around the age of 18-20 years
  4. The presence of genetic factors that are passed down from generation to generation
  5. Too often shave hair can also cause the growth of a more dense fur.

Understanding Light-Based Technology as a Way to Eliminate Permanent Fur

The light-based method is one of the most widely used technologies in the world of beauty. To remove feathers, this technology works by firing light that will be absorbed by the roots of the feathers. Once absorbed, the light will turn into heat energy that will inhibit the growth of the roots of the hair. This will eventually cause the hair to fall off by itself.

In a study of Asian people with dark hair color, it was found that there was an average reduction of feathers of up to about 50% in just one treatment with light-based technology. This result also increased to more than 80% after treatment four times. In this study also found that there are no harmful side effects in patients.

The usual way to remove hairs

In today's modern era, there has been a lot of care to remove the hairs and feet that have been offered by leading experts. It can be said, how to remove the modern hair is very good to deal with feathers quickly, even in just a matter of hours. as for modern ways that you can travel include:

  • Shave

Usually shaving is done to remove the hairs of the mustache and fur face, but you can also overcome the legs and hands by shaving. With shave, your feet and hands will look more smooth.

How to shave hair legs correctly:
  1. First wash first hand and foot area using warm water. This aims to allow the pores of the feather follicle to open, thus facilitating the shave of the feathers.
  2. After that, rub the hairy part with a special soap or cream shave evenly. Use a new shaver, especially the knife.
  3. The correct way of shaving starts from the bottom to the top (contrary to the growth of the feathers). While shaving, pull your skin to avoid a rash.
  4. Finally, rinse and clean the shaved area using a bath soap. However, in case of injury, give the baby powder to minimize the pain.
Note: the disadvantage of shaving is that the roots of the hair can not be lifted perfectly, so that later the feathers can grow more dense afterwards. Therefore, stop the growth of hair after shaving with a special cream.

  • Tweezing

Tweezing is one way to remove the legs and hands are done by plucking the hair one by one. Although this method takes a long time, but tweezing proved very powerful to remove the hair permanently. Because the feathers can be mixed up to the roots, so it is not possible to grow again.

How to pluck hair legs and hands:

  1. Prepare the first tweezers (hair removal tool). Try the new tweezers and can grip more strongly.
  2. Before plucking the hair, rub the area of ​​the skin that has the feathers using warm water for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. After that, dry with a towel. Then start plucking the hair one by one, try not to have a half-cut hair.
  4. Finally rinse again by using warm water and catch up with cold water to summarize the pores.
  5. Note: the weakness of this way is usually will cause skin irritation, rash, and even abrasions. Especially if you do not do it right.

  • Waxing

This is the method of removing legs and hands that are quite popular among the public. Usually this waxing is done in beauty salons.

The trick is to smear your feet first by using a special sticky liquid, then stick the cloth on the fabric until wrapped perfectly. Instantly, the fabric is pulled against the feather growth. Consequently, the feathers were lost and uprooted to the roots.

This way is classified as more effective and efficient than shaving or tweezing. Given your feathers will be pulled up to the roots without having to pull out with tweezers one by one.

  • Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a method of removing feathers that are rarely known to the public at large. This happens because in Indonesia alone electrolysis experts are still very minimal, if any there is sure it fixes a fairly expensive price. But the price will be comparable to what you will get. Because the feathers of your feet and hands can disappear permanently in a relatively short time.

This method is done by inserting a small needle in the pore part of the hair. Then the needle is electrically powered with a small force, thus making the feathers on the legs lifted by itself. Once removed, the doctor will use the help of tweezers to take the feather. Maybe imagine this way we would think quite horrified, but in fact this way is not painful at all.

  • Laser hair removal

Usually laser hair removal is done to remove facial hairs, pubes, and parts of whiskers. But in addition, laser hair removal can also be used to overcome the feathers of the feet and hands. This method is done by illuminating the hairy part by using a particular laser.

To be able to do laser hair removal, you have to spend more. For the price of beauty treatments this one is quite expensive. In addition to expensive, you will also get the side effects of this laser method. Where the heat of the laser will make the skin red, burn, and even skin irritation.

How to remove the hairs and feet naturally

  • Papaya

Papaya is an active fruit containing an enzyme that is papain. Papain can prevent hair growth. Not only that young papaya also help make the fine hairs on the body becomes invisible and helps the process of exfoliation on the skin. This papaya is perfect for you who have a very sensitive skin. papaya is best fitted to remove the hard armpit hair and crude.

The only way you can prepare a raw papaya then mashed or blender. After that mix with a little turmeric powder. Mix until evenly paste on the armpit and let stand for up to 20 minutes until the pastinya dry. then rinse with water. If done regularly will definitely be able to remove the armpit hair permanently.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is believed to eliminate eternally, even turmeric is a material that has been used diindia from ancient times. Turmeric contains antibacterial and antiinflation. The trick is very easy once you live mix some spoon of turmeric powder and add a little milk and let stand until dry. After that wash with warm water.

  • Lemons

Prepare sugar to mix with lemon. Lemons can help remove facial hairs. Although it does not disappear at least can disguise the feathers on the area around the face. This is caused by the lemon that has the content to whiten so that hair hair is not too visible. How to mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with two teaspoons of lemon then add 10 spoon water. paste on face and let stand until dried about 15 minutes.

  • Honey

This honey we will use to remove the leg hair that looks less beautiful. When honey is mixed with lemon and sugar will be a handmade hair thresher. paste honey can be used as a candle to do waxing.

  • White Eggs

We have taukan egg whites can whiten, well now we will use this egg white to remove the fur. I personally agree on this one, So you make a mixture of egg whites, 1 tablespoon of sugar and corn flour. Dab it until it becomes a paste after that apply on your hand and let it dry until dry. After the dry pull the paste, surely the fine hairs will come lifted.

  • Alas

For men or women who have a mustache, you can use these tips to remove the hairs of the mustache. In Pakistan, mixed alum and rose water commonly used to eradicate various kinds of unwanted hairs. The first way you destroy first alum rock, then mix a little water. Apply on the hairy part.

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