How to Get Rid of Chapped Lips in Winter

Some of you may have felt the problem of chapped lips. Appearance is not perfect because less confident. Overcome chapped lips by the way below.

Most people think that chapped lips only appear during the summer or the dry season. In fact, chapped lips can also be experienced during the winter.
How to Get Rid of Chapped Lips naturaly
Chapped lips may occur in winter :

Here's how to get rid of chapped lips in winter

Causes and Symptoms

Lips have unique conditions compared to other skin parts. This section is not equipped with oil glands to keep moisture. Therefore, exposure to sunlight during the dry season or low humidity can make dry lips. The condition can get worse if we do not care well on the lips.

One thing that sometimes becomes a habit is we often lick his own lips when the lips feel dry. In fact, this habit is not recommended because the more frequent saliva wet the lips, it will further exacerbate the fraction on the lips.

Some of the symptoms that can be experienced are: the lips feel dry even to peel, the scales appear on the lips, there are injuries, swelling, and if it is severe will experience bleeding.

How To Overcome Chapped Lips

To remove chapped lips, there are several ways that can be done. Among them:

  • Reduce the habit of licking the lips

Although sometimes intends to moisten lips that are experiencing drought, licking her lips actually worsen. The rapid salivation of yawning causes the lips to experience more dry conditions than before licked. If licking the lips due to the use of lips balm containing flavor, then its use should be avoided.

  • Use a lip protector

Wearing sun-scaled balm lips when the weather is dry and cold makes the lips get optimal protection from weather effects. The more often outdoors, the more often the need to use the protective lips.

  • Avoid allergic triggers

As much as possible avoid direct contact with ingredients that can trigger allergies. Some people are vulnerable allergic to perfume products, dyes, cosmetics, or skin care products.

  • Keep the hydration level

To keep moisture on the lips, drink plenty of water to keep your body, including lips, hydrated. If necessary, install an air humidifier in the room to keep the moisture awake.

  • Breathing through the nose

Some people may prefer to breathe using their mouths instead of their noses. This mouth-breathing habit should be avoided because it can aggravate the condition of chapped lips.

  • Limit spicy and sour foods

Some foods that have spicy and sour taste excess should be reduced because it can cause irritation to the lips. If you've experienced chapped lips, not eating spicy and sour foods will help speed the healing process.

  • Avoid the use of certain drugs

Some drugs may cause side effects such as chapped lips. Drugs used to treat depression, excessive anxiety, allergies, pain, acne, and respiratory problems can cause chapped lips. Consult a doctor to know for sure it. If it is very disturbing, you might consider other alternative medications.

Although chapped lips can heal by itself, but in some people it can turn into a more severe. If it is severe, then chapped lips can turn into cheilitis or inflammation on the surface of the lips. The specific sign of cheilitis is the appearance of cracking in the corner of the lips and may be accompanied by infection. If chapped lips have become cheilitis or inflammation in the lips and hard to cure, consult a doctor.

Overcoming Dry Lips with Simple Herbs

Some simple concoctions below you can make easily. Although so classified as effective in removing dry lips without side effects.

  • Honey and Vaseline

We know that honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties and is one of the best healing agents. Vaseline or petroleum jelly is widely used to soften, nourish and protect the skin from dryness. By combining these two ingredients, then we will get a concoction that can overcome dry lips and cracked.

How to use: Apply pure honey on the entire surface of the lips. Then coat the lips with Vaseline and leave for 10-15 minutes. Lips will absorb honey that has a softening effect. The vaseline coating will provide additional hydration and prevent drying. After 15 minutes, wipe honey and vaseline using a wet cotton cloth. Repeat this procedure for a week for a satisfactory result.

  • Cucumber

This cold vegetable is a refreshing meal during the summer. Not only refreshing the throat, cucumbers are also efficacious in treating dry lips and cracked. Cucumber also has skin lightening properties so brighten the lips by reducing the black patches on the lips.

How to Use: Slice the cucumber and rub gently on the lips. Let stand for 15 minutes and wash with plain water. This will make the lips soft and supple to avoid drought.

  • Lip Scrub

Lip scrub with scrub aims to peel off dead skin cells. Once peeled off, the natural color of the lips is visible and replaced with healthy new skin cells. We can use sugar scrubs for this purpose.

How to Use: Provide 2 teaspoons of sugar, stirring with a few drops of olive oil. Then add ½ teaspoon of honey and mix well. Leave this mixture for 5 minutes, so the sugar becomes softer. After that, apply all the lips and rub gently. Wash with warm water.

  • Lemon Cream

Lemon and sugar can be an effective treatment to overcome dark and cracked lips. Lemon acts as a natural bleach and honey protects the lips to form harmful effects of free radicals. Overcome dry lips with lemon

How To Use: Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey. Add ½ teaspoon of castor oil and mix well. Apply to lips before bed every day. Repeat this procedure for 10 days for best results.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains natural ingredients that have the benefit of overcoming dry and cracked lips. How to apply it is also easy. Apply aloe gel on the lips before going to bed regularly, instantly you will feel the effects of cold and soothing.

  • Olive oil 

Olive oil is the best natural moisturizer and natural lubricant. Fatty acids in olive oil help eliminate dry and cracked lips, and make the lips soft and supple. How to apply it easy, just apply enough olive oil on the lips twice a day.

In addition to dry and cracked, if your lips are also blackened? If so, here's the solution: How to Eliminate Black Lips Naturally

If dry and cracked lips are not resolved, call your doctor, because in rare cases chapped lips are caused by certain diseases.

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