How To Prevent And Treat Influenza Easily

Influenza or people often call it with flu. Yes, it is true that many people call the flu is a mild disease and easy to attack anyone. Although the flu usually within a week will heal by itself, but you should never underestimate a disease, including flu. Flu is easy to attack, but not necessarily flu easy to cure. Flu can be one indicator that there will be / has occurred body imbalance and other health disorders occur.

In addition, flu can also lead to several comorbidities. So again you do not underestimate the flu that attacks your body. How to prevent and treat influenza? Before you understand how to treat influenza, you need to know what influenza is and why
Influenza natural treatment
Girl having influenza :

How To Prevent And Treat Influenza Easily

What Is Influenza?

Influenza is an acute viral disease that attacks the respiratory tract characterized by the onset of fever, chills, headache, myalgia, lesions, coryza, sore throat, muscle aches, general discomfort and cough. Cough is usually hard and long but the other symptoms usually disappear by itself.

Clinical symptoms can be common cold, Croup, bronchiolitis, viral pneumonia and other unclear acute respiratory illnesses. Symptoms that occur in the gastrointestinal tract such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea but very rare, but it could be that the symptoms occur accompanying respiratory phases in children affected by influenza

The flu usually heals within 2-7 days. But if up to 7 days do not go away, you will experience flu in prolonged. Flu is a contagious disease and can affect anyone.

Causes of Influenza

Influenza is a form of infectious disease carried by the RNA virus group of the Orthomyxoviridae family. The cause of influenza is a virus with 3 types of type A, B and C. Type A consists of 3 subtypes (H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2) associated with the occurrence of epidemics and a broad pandemic. As for type B and C rarely lead to outbreaks.

Transmission of influenza virus

Influenza viruses can be transmitted through the air, especially in densely populated areas and in enclosed spaces such as on school buses. Transmission can also occur directly ie direct contact with the patient. Other transmission media that can be through beverages, cutlery and droplets that come out when coughing and sneezing.
viruses influenza
Influenza viruses :
Influenza viruses can live for hours outside the human body, especially in areas with low air humidity. Therefore, for those of you who are experiencing the flu, do not carelessly blow your nose and try to close your mouth when sneezing to droplets containing the virus is not much out. A person experiences influenza usually after 1-3 days of exposure to the virus.

How to Prevent Influenza

Influenza can affect anyone, whenever and wherever they may be. You are one of those people who are at risk for contracting influenza virus. Therefore, you must know how to prevent influenza from attacking you. Here are some tips to keep you healthy without the flu:

1. Exercise regularly
Exercise can keep your body balance. Especially if you can exercise outdoors and exposed to sunlight, then your body directly also get vitamin D that serves as a body immune.

2. Using Mask While on the Road
If you are a sensitive person or allergic to dust, then when you drive use a mask as a protector of exposure to dust. Thus you will be safer not to include influenza viruses that are in the dust.

3. Handwashing
Wash your hands after driving or after performing activities that are directly related to dust. You use soap in hand washing, which is the function of soap as a bacteria eradication. When you are from the bathroom or want to touch the food, make it a habit to wash your hands with soap.

4. Keeping Distance
It can not be denied that the transmission of the disease comes from its source. If you are in a condition that is less fit or easy to catch the flu, then when people around you experience the flu better you temporarily shy away from them so as not to catch the flu.

5. Vaccination
Vaccinations for the flu at this time have started to be widely used. Because it proves effective to protect yourself from the flu, it would not hurt if you also get a flu shot. Vaccinations are preferred for those of you who have a history of asthma, pneumonia, are pregnant and have severe diseases, so you will not get disturbed by the flu.

Easy Ways to Treat Influenza

If you have the flu, then immediately take action, so the flu does not attack your body too long. Here are some natural ways to treat your flu:

1. Drinking Water
The germs that cause the flu enter through the breathing and automatic through the throat, therefore with you reproduce drinking water the germs will be clean from your throat. The amount of water consumed in a day should be an average of 2 liters or 8 cups.

2. Consume vitamin D
Vitamin D as an immune builder, then you should do physical activity outdoors to get sunlight.

3. Consumption of fruits and vegetables
The content contained in fruits and vegetables can help your body restore a weakened immune system. That is the way when you eat lunch and dinner using vegetable soup or other vegetable preparations. In addition, in order for you the spirit to eat fruits, then you can eat them in the form of salad, fruit juice or rujak. Vegetables containing anti-flu ingredients are dark green vegetables, such as katu leaves, cassava leaves, etc.

4. Rest
You experience the flu can be caused due to fatigue or too much activity that takes energy. Rest is one of the mandatory requirements if you want to get well soon from the flu. Because your body will produce immune to the maximum when you're beristrahat.

5. Warm Water Bath
When you have the flu, your body needs warmer temperatures, so the flu immediately disappears. Especially if you live in a cold area, then it is advisable to take a bath using warm water.

6. Eating Spicy Food
Many lay people who say that they will feel relief when they experience the flu eating extra spicy foods. Their goal is only to help breathing when the nose is blocked. But actually chili has capsaicin content that works effectively to help clear the nasal cavity. Spicy foods can come from chili or pepper, both of which are equally effective in helping cleanse the nasal cavity.

7. Drink Potions of Honey and Ginger
Honey is used as a way to treat colds because honey has benefits for boosting immunity. So you do not hurt if mixing honey with ginger. Take 2 segments of ginger and then shredded and squeezed. Once the water or ginger extract is ready, add a spoon of honey. Make this herb 3 times a day, undoubtedly your flu will go away.

Well, now you already know what causes flu and how to prevent and treat influenza. Make sure that in the future you can keep yourself better so as not to get sick easily.

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