10 Best Foods Source to Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin needed by the body, not only for bone growth but also the absorption of calcium, blood sugar control, and immune function. Vitamin D deficiency can cause many health conditions, such as bone disorders (rickets, osteoporosis), increased cancer risk, and weakened immune system.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that you get sufficient vitamin D intake in your daily diet.
10 Best Foods Source Contain Vitamin D
Fish oil contains vitamin D : pixabay.com

10 Best Foods Source to Gain Vitamin D

How much vitamin D do I need in a day?

According to the Institute of Medicine, the age of 1-70 years requires 600 IU of vitamin D per day, and age 71 and above need it as much as 800 IU per day. However, you could need more vitamin D in your daily intake, especially if you suffer from vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis.

Consult your doctor to get the recommended dose of vitamin D appropriate to your body condition.

How to get vitamin D for the body?

Vitamin D can actually be produced naturally by the body with the help of sunlight (ultraviolet B rays). When you are exposed to the morning sun, the body is compelled to convert a skin molecule called 7-dehydrocholesterol into a form of vitamin D called cholecalciferol.

However, it is difficult to estimate whether the body is getting enough vitamin D from only sunlight, and hence the need for other vitamin D sources to meet your daily vitamin D needs.

Source of Vitamin D from Food

Here are the best sources of vitamin D foods for the body:

1. Cod liver oil
Although many people are not familiar with the taste of cod liver oil, they can actually get a lot of health benefits from this fish oil. Containing vitamin D and high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, cod liver oil can meet 75% of your daily vitamin D requirement in just 1 teaspoon.

100 grams of cod liver oil contains 10,000 IU of vitamin D, and is now widely available cod liver oil enriched so you can easily eat it.

2. Salmon
Salmon, and other types of fatty fish, are the best source of vitamin D. Because vitamin D is fat soluble, you need to consume fat to absorb it. Fish, especially fatty ones, is one of the best foods rich in vitamin D.

Salmon, among other things, is the best source of vitamin D which is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Half a slice of fresh salmon (155g) contains 1035 IU of vitamin D, but you can also get enough vitamin D from canned salmon meats.

3. Tuna
Tuna is a more common ingredient used in the daily menu because it is cheaper than salmon, but the nutritional content is no less.

Including types of fatty fish, tuna is a good source of vitamin D and also rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. One serving of tuna (85 grams) contains about 200 IU of vitamin D, and you can easily get it in the form of canned tuna.

4. Sardine
If you are not used to eating salmon or tuna, sardines can be the right choice. Many found in Indonesia, these fish contain lots of vitamin D and other types of minerals.

100 grams of sardines contains 192 IU of vitamin D, and you can easily get health benefits in the form of delicious and cheaply available canned sardines.

5. Milk
Drinks are famous for its vitamin D content, milk is an excellent source of nutrients for the body. Cow's milk also contains calcium and minerals in high levels so it is very beneficial for healthy bones and teeth.

Milk, especially those that have been enriched, is an important source of vitamins and minerals for the body. Cow's milk, whether pure or skimmed, naturally contains vitamin D, but it has plenty of cow's milk enriched with added nutrients that are good for the body. Enriched cow's milk contains 127 IU of vitamin D in 1 cup (244 g).

6. Eggs
Eggs are a common source of vitamin D foods found in daily menus. Large eggs (50g) contain 44 IU of vitamin D, and one cup of egg (136g) contains 120 IU of vitamin D.

If you are used to excluding egg yolks when consuming these animal products, you should start learning to enjoy them because in egg yolks there is a lot of vitamin D content. With egg whites that contain lots of protein and yellow that contain lots of vitamin D, eggs become a healthy food and cheap to consume every day.

7. Mushrooms
Fungi exposed to a lot of sunlight (ultraviolet B) proved to contain lots of vitamin D. Types of commonly consumed mushrooms, such as button mushrooms, ear mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms, very nutritious and beneficial to health.

Button mushrooms, for example, if exposed to ultraviolet B for 2 hours, will contain 734 IU of vitamin D only in I cup of slices (70g). Shiitake mushrooms originating from Japan contain 41 IU of vitamin D in 1 cup of slices (145g). Low in fat and calories, mushrooms can be a choice of healthy food for daily consumption.

8. Shrimp
This seafood is famous for its protein content, but shrimp is also a good source of vitamin D. In addition to lots of protein and vitamin D, shrimp actually also contains omega 3 and low in fat and calories.

A serving of shrimp (85g) contains about 129 IU of vitamin D, and you can enjoy it by boiling or steaming to get the best health benefits.

9. Cheddar cheese
This animal product is processed from cow's milk that has been immersed in a certain time. Cheddar cheese contains good nutrition for the body, and in 1 slice (28g) contains 11 IU of vitamin D.

Cheddar cheese can be combined with a variety of other foods, making it a choice of food sources of vitamin D are easy to eat every day. In addition, cheddar cheese can be a good source of vitamin D in childhood because it is much loved by children thanks to its unique taste.

10. Cereal
According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2004, fortified cereals are a major source of vitamin D in the United States. Most ready-to-eat cereals available on the market are fortified cereals, and 100 grams of fortified cereals generally contain 332 IU of vitamin D.

If taken with milk with high vitamin D content, fortified cereals will be healthy breakfast full of good nutrition for the body.

Many common people think that it is very difficult to meet the daily vitamin D requirement for the body. Though not so reality.

In addition to sunlight and foods above, vitamin D can also be obtained in the form of supplements. By taking vitamin D supplements every day, you can get vitamin D intake more measurably, especially if you have vitamin D deficiency. Consult a doctor or nutritionist for more information on the dose of vitamin D supplements that are right for you.

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