Types of Acne and How to Get Rid of Acne Blackhead

Acne is a type of skin disease that most often grows on the face and is very disturbing to affect the beauty of a person's face. The types of acne that exist in the medical world are very much to be considered. Skin health becomes very important. A smooth face without acne might be the dream of most people. Many people feel uncomfortable and not confident when to get out with acne facial conditions.

About Acne

Acne itself is caused by the pores of our clogged skin that triggers the growth of a kind of red lump containing pus. Acne is a skin disease that almost everyone has experienced. Acne itself arises due to hormonal changes experienced by the sufferer and usually appears when the sufferer is experiencing menstruation, in the process of pregnancy, and experiencing excessive stress.

Types of acne

Many people think that acne is only one type. But it turns out acne has several types, including:

Common acne

Ordinary acne
Almost most people have suffered from this acne. This acne is easily recognizable because of its small and reddish white color. This acne arises due to clogged pores and infected baktmeri propionibacterium acne. The bacteria live in the area diprosuksinya fatty acids in the gland sac hidden under the surface of the skin or often also referred to as sebaceous glands. What to watch out for this bacteria is because it can cause irritation to the face around it.

How to overcome

If you want to deal with acne problems in a short time because it will attend an important event, you can work around this by applying toothpaste on acne that appears on your face before bed. Toothpaste contains a nutritious fluroide to reduce the swelling and redness caused by acne. in addition you can also use tomatoes and lemon as a mask to remove acne and remove black stains acne scars.

Stone Acne

Stone acne
Acne stones have a size larger than regular acne. Acne stone color is more red and inflamed. If left unchecked, the pimple will leave a trace hard to remove. Acne stone or also often called Cystic Acne disebebkan because oil glands are too much and abnormal cell growth. Acne rocks are classified as severe acne.

Treatment Suggestions

Therefore, if you suffer from acne stone that nest on your face, it helps you consult a doctor to then determine the treatment in the next step.


Blackheads are caused by skin cells matti and excessive oil gland secretion. Blackheads are divided into two kinds of closed comedo and open blackheads. Closed comedones look like small white bulges. While open blackheads look like enlarged pores and blackened.


To eliminate this type of blackhead acne, you can remove it with egg whites. The trick is to dip the cotton in egg whites and paste on your face a pimple blackheads. Wait until the egg white is dry, then lift the cotton. You will see lots of blackheads plucked out on the cotton.

In addition to the types of acne that have been mentioned above, there are several types of acne again experienced by many sufferers, namely:

Juvenile Acne
Juvenile acne

This acne occurs during puberty age 14-20 years. The cause of this acne is a hormonal problem that has not been stable in producing sebum.

How to overcome

To overcome this acne you can use facial soap that has a balanced PH or transculent baby soap.

Juvenile type acne is a development of hormones so maybe it should be overcome in a natural way, do not use dangerous ways.

Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a kind of skin disorder characterized by an open comedo eruption, closed comedo or acne followed by reddish skin and scaly. This acne usually occurs in adolescence and generally continues until adulthood. This acne can be caused by excess oil, hormonal changes, cosmetic products and dead skin that is not separated properly.


The right treatment for acne of this type is by removing bacteria, controlling excess oil on the face, and by increasing the turn of dead skin cells. This acne will usually improve over time without any intervention. But if the acne is getting worse, can cause damage and should get the treatment of a dermatologist. This acne is not contagious and can be cured.

Acne Rosacea
Rosacea acne

This acne usually occurs in women aged 30-50 years. At first, this acne will appear reddish that can cause inflammation that can cause scales on the folds of the nose.

Treatment Suggestions

This acne requires treatment from a dermatologist, usually in the form of evaporation, hot water compress or by irradiation using infrared light for acne drying.

Acne Nitrosica
Acne nitrosica

This type of acne should be wary of which if left unchecked will cause a hole in the skin of the face.

Treatment Suggestions

Treatment of acne should be with the help of a dermatologist. Beauty technologies such as microdermabrasion, laser technology, and other beauty treatments can help to eliminate this type of acne.

There are many other types of acne are often found in various faces of both men and women, and even there are acne on the back that is often a problem Based on the location of acne is also often mentioned by another name among others.

  • Acne face (most common)
  • Acne on forehead
  • Acne on the nose
  • Acne on your back
  • Acne in the genitals
  • Acne on the neck
  • Acne on the thigh

Indeed we must realize that acne is not only in advance, there are many other parts that may be formed acne.

How to Get Rid of Acne on the face

When you experience acne on the face, you do not need to worry because now there are many studies that show that natural ingredients can be used as a remedy to overcome acne. You can use some of the ingredients below to treat your acne:

Original Honey

Original honey has long been known as a nutritious ingredient for health and beauty. The trick is to apply honey on the face, let stand for approximately 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.


Cucumbers have enough water content that can accelerate the channel in the pores of the face. The trick is to sliced ​​a few pieces of cucumber and paste on your face acne.


Lime can reduce excessive oil content on the face. Lime you can use to overcome the problem of acne by rubbing the lemon juice on your face before you want to sleep.

Routine cleans the face

In addition to using natural ingredients, the basic principle you should do to overcome acne is to regularly cleanse the face. With a regular cleaning of the face will be protected from the dirt that accumulate on your face. Cleaning the face can be done by using a facial cleanser that suits your skin type.

Face treatment

In addition to using natural ingredients, there is no harm if you also try to do facial treatment on skin doctors and beauty clinics. Because to get a clean face can not only use natural ingredients, but sometimes also require certain tools that can be used to memberihakn face optimally.

How to Avoid Acne

After you run a treatment to overcome acne, it's good also if you avoid some things that can cause acne on your face, including:

  • Choosing the right cosmetics for your skin type;
  • Reduce sleep late at night;
  • Reduce cigarettes,
  • Avoid foods such as fried foods, chocolate, alcohol, coffee and nuts;
  • Reduce the likelihood of stress risk due to stress will cause the sufferer mengkonsumis fatty foods;
  • Clean your phone screen, because without you realize there are many bacteria attached to your skin if you often call in the condition of your phone screen dirty.
  • Different kinds of acne is different handling, but the overall type of acne is better sought to know prevention that does not happen to you.

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