33 Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Skin and Face

Aging is a natural process that will happen to every human being where the aging process does not look at the hair on the sex of a person, the same man or woman will experience it as time goes by.

Premature aging causes

Premature aging factors :

  • Excessive stress - Continuous stress will trigger depression. Facial muscles are forced to tighten, shrink and often squint. Over time the skin loses its moisture. this will trigger the arrival of fine lines around the eyelid and near the mouth.
  • Less rest - Less rest is tantamount to forcing the facial muscles to continue working and will drain the natural moisture of the face and dehydrated. tired facial muscles will relax and that's when the lines of wrinkles begin to appear.
  • Incorrect cosmetic use - Simply putting on cheap cosmetics that promise white and toned skins in a short time is the same as poisoning facial skin. The basic ingredients of making instant cosmetics always use harmful cosmetic ingredients commonly used for industry, such as caustic soda, hydroquinone, baking soda and so on.
  • Air pollution - Dust, cigarette smoke, asaap vehicle, smoke burning garbage and so on contain particles that when attached and settled too ama in the skin layer will cause the appearance of the aging line.
  • Sunlight - Sunlight is only good for skin vwajah is the morning, if the morning before the day (UVA) and afternoon afternoon (UVB) is very potential to change the skin melanin to dark, dry, grow spots and fishing the arrival of wrinkles.
  • Changes in weather - Changes in weather from rain pellet affect the moisture and suppleness of the body because that's when the collagen under the skin is dehydrated.
  • Consuming too much sugar - Excess sugar can gradually damage the collagen tissue under the skin.
  • Excess caffeine - drinks and foods containing a lot of caffeine make the skin dehydrated and lose to elastisannya that trigger the speed of wrinkles coming.
  • Alcohol - Alcohol is potentially damaging to the function of the liver whose job is to neutralize the toxins in the body. if the liver is disturbed then the body is unable to remove toxins normally, this will accelerate aging against collagen tissue.
  • Black charcoal - Black charcoal is always used as fuel for making satay menu. invisible charcoal particles will be ingested and settle in the body to inhibit and damage collagen cells. Black charcoal contains high free radicals.
  • Salt - Consuming a lot of salt will only merudsak collagen network and disrupt the health of blood cells resulting in the skin lack of oxygen and dehydration. Salt can absorb calcium in the bones to menagkibatkan bone fragile.
  • Consumption of vegetable oil - Eating foods containing vegetable oils will only increase body weight and change the appearance of the face becomes unattractive. such as fried food
  • Smoking - Cigarette smoke is the culprit that can accelerate premature aging even in people who are teenagers, because toxic substances trigger dehydration of the skin and make skin tissue becomes poisoned.
  • Too often wash your face - Too often wash your face just make sebum or natural oil on the skin is gone and make the face dry. Dry face is easiest to get the thirst line around the eyes.
  • Always think negative - Feelings of uncertainty, worry, excessive disappointment, emotion and always anxious at anything just make facial muscles in a state not relaxed, such conditions will trigger the appearance of wrinkles faster than what you imagine.
  • Lack of exercise - Any existing tissue in the body if it has never been a sport will rapidly progress aging progressively, if the network in rapidly aging may be seen to be young outside? this is because body tissues never get the space to relax, fresh and free to remove toxins through sweat.
  • Do not like to eat vegetables and fruits every day - Vegetables and fruit is a source of antioxidants that can help us avoid all the dangers of free radicals that can trigger the emergence of premature aging.
  • Less water supply - Lack of drinking leads to rapid body fatigue and can not concentrate. The dehydrated body causes harmful particles present in free radicals to easily attack the immune system and disturbed body metabolism.
  • Forgetting cleansing face - Letting face keep up during night sleep and not cleaning it will close the pore pores that cause the skin can not breathe, this will mempermudaah bacteria multiply and trigger the appearance of fine wrinkles around the face.
  • Stay too long in air conditioned room - Too in the room berac will make the skin lose moisture and reduce the collagen that is under the skin. This will accelerate the skin becomes wrinkled because.
33 Ways to Prevent Premature Aging of Skin and Face
Prevent premature aging : flickr

How to prevent premature aging?

Follow these tips:

Doing Healthy Habits

1. Drinking green tea every day

Green tea contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Iron, phosphorus, calcium, protein, amino acids. Its main functions are:
  • prevent aging of skin tissue
  • repair damaged skin collagen
  • Improve your metabolism

2. Wash your face with green tea and black tea

Let the green tea or black tea overnight to wash the face the next day. Its function:
  • Facial blood circulation
  • Brighten the face
  • Eliminate black spots
  • Prevent acne

3. Routine drinking honey and lemon juice

Drink honey mixed with lemon juice after breakfast. Its function:
  • Remove toxins in the body that damage skin collagen
  • Remove toxins through the urine
  • Evaporate venom through sweat.

4. Eat apples, avocado and kiwi fruit

Eat apples, avocado and kiwi fruit as a nocturnal snack. Its function:
These three fruits contain active antioxidant substances and are rich in vitamins E, A and C that are 
  • Useful in repairing damage to skin cells from free radicals during your night's sleep.
  • Useful for repairing damaged collagen cells
  • Useful to maintain facial elasticity
  • Helps remove toxins in the body

5. Use secondhand tea

Put a water-dipped tea bag on deas and simply lemn the ice for 20 minutes, then use to compress your eyes. do every day with time and hours that you can set yourself. Its function:
  • Eliminate dark circles in eye bags
  • Eliminate puffy eyes
  • Make your eyes glow
  • Eliminate tired eyes
  • Better vision

6. Drink plenty of water

Drink at least eight glasses a day. The more drinking water the healthier you are. Its function:
  • Avoid dehydration
  • Eliminating toxins in the body
  • Smooth body metabolism
  • Protects body tissues from free radicals

7. Garlic

Give a piece of garlic in every spice dish. Garlic contains: calcium, sulfur, protein, vitamin A, B. C, iron, phosphorus. Its function:
  • Can stimulate regeneration of dead skin cells to be healthy again
  • Can kill skin bacteria.

8. Make your own anti-aging cream

Homemade anti-aging cream is much safer and proven to work. Ingredients: Avocado, Lime juice, Yogurt, Egg white. How:
Blender the avocado and mix the lime juice, yogurt and pitih egg kemudiaan bender briefly, place on a plastic container and store in the refrigerator to benefit more felt.
Apply on face every time you come home from work or from daily routine. clean face, apply and lie down for fatigue and fatigue immediately disappear. Wait 30 minutes and then wash with warm water.

9. Make your own anti-aging cream

Ingredients: Old Strawberry fruit, Rose water, Olive oil, Lime juice. How?
Blend the strawbeery fruit and mix the rose water, the olive oil, lime juice and then stir and store in the refrigerator so the benefits will be felt.
Apply on face every time you come home from work or from daily routine. Clean your face, Apply and lie down for fatigue and fatigue immediately disappear. wait for 30 minutes then wash with warm water

10. Wear sunblock instead of whitening cream

Before leaving the house or go to work should apply facial skin and body with sunblock that has SPF 24 to 30.
Do not use sunscreen, lightening or whitening cream because the antidote of the sun contained therein is not really able to resist the vicious UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays.

Natural Facial Mask

Tips on making facial masks to prevent premature aging :

1. Lime juice mask

Contains: Folate, Vitamin A, B vitamins, Vitamin C. How:
Squeeze lemon juice and apply on face for 25 minutes then wash with cold water.
Can be used as a mask before bed and when wake up in the morning wash with cold water

  • Minimizes pore pores
  • Eliminate hita flita
  • Gives reserve moisture
  • Healthful skin collagen
  • Soothes skin cell tissue

2. White egg mask

Egg whites contain: protein, Zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A, VitaminB, Vitamin D, Vitamin E. How:
Take egg whites and then apply on cleansed face, wait for 20 minutes or until dry and then rinse warm water.

  • Neutralize skin damage due to the use of harmful cosmetics
  • Lifting blackheads and bacteria that exist on the surface of the skin
  • Tighten skin muscles
  • Reduces skin pore width
  • Brightens dark and dull skin

3. Honey mask

Contains: Sodium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamin (B1), ascorbic acid (C), pyridoxine (B6) and others. How:
Take honey then apply to face that has been cleaned, wait until 20 minutes or more.

  • Moisturises dry and scaly skin
  • Whiten skin kusaam
  • eliminating black spots
  • Eliminate acne scars
  • Smooth the rough skin

4. Strawberry Mask

Contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, protein, folate, phosphorus, calcium, protein and others. How:
Take old strawberries and red, sliced ​​into two parts and then apply water on the face, let stand for 20 minutes or more.

  • Eliminate dark circles in eye bags
  • Brighten the skin
  • Smooth the rough skin
  • Eliminate acne
  • Able to protect and prevent aging process due to free radical

5. Turmeric Mask

Contains: Magnesium, potassium, calcium, dihydrocurum, zinc, desmetoxicurcumin and others. How:
Grate the turmeric and then apply to the cleansed face, let stand for 20 minutes or more

  • Prevents aging at age above 30 years
  • As an anti pigmentation that can protect the skin from the evil of sunlight
  • Lifting dead and scaly skin cells
  • Smooth skin surface
  • As an anti-bacterial skin

6. Carrot mask

Contains: Antioxidant beta-carotene, folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, zinc, Vitamin K, manganese, magnesium. How:
Grate the carrot or blend and grab the water. apply water on face, let stand for 20 minutes or more

  • Smoothing a rough face
  • Protect eye health
  • As a powerful antioxidant
  • Brighten a dull face
  • Enhance and maintain immunity remain stable

7. Tomato mask

Contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, lycopene and others. How:
Take the tomatoes then split into two then apply gently on the face and let stand for 20 minutes or more.

  • Smoothing and whiten the dark skin
  • makes skin look flushed glow
  • Remove blackheads and blackheads
  • Controls excess oil on oily skin
  • Makes skin blush natural

8. Aloe Vera Mask

Contains: hormone giberelin, Auksin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, source of beta carotene and others. How:
Take the old aloe vera, wash it first then split, Take the meat and mucus and then smeared on the face.

  • Prevents fine lines around the eyes
  • Maintains the skin's natural moisture for dry skin types
  • Maintain water intake in the tissues so that the skin is not dehydrated
  • Able to replace dead cells with new cell tissues
  • Cure acne

9. Potato mask

Contains: Fiber, iron, Vitamin B6, calcium, Vitamin C and others. How:
Take the potato and then remove the skin and wash until the sap disappears. Then grate and apply on face

  • Fade black spots and acne
  • Eradicate the acne-causing bacteria
  • Whiten face quickly
  • Eliminate premature wrinkles on the face
  • Can maintain water availability under the skin

10. Banana mask

Contains: Potassium, lectins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, amino acids. How:
Split the banana in half to make it easier to apply on face. Let stand for 20 minutes or more

  • Eliminate black spots
  • Prevents wrinkles and dry skin
  • Prevent acne coming back
  • Eliminate acne scars
  • Flatten the color of facial skin that streaks due to the sun.

11. Pineapple mask

Contains: Proteolytic enzyme, bromelain, copper, patotenik, folate, fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin B. How:
Blend pineapple fruit or blend llau apply on face and lie down, let stand approximately 20 minutes or more then rinse with warm water.
  • Prevent the appearance of lines of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
  • Improves collagen tissue under the skin
  • Eliminate wrinkles that already exist
  • Prevents skin from dehydration

12. Yogurt and honey mask

contains: calcium, phosphorus, iron, diastaase enzyme, invertase, peroxidase, lipase, Vitamin A, BI Vitamin, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C. How:
Mix yogurt and honey with a balanced dose, then apply on face for approximately 20 minutes or more then wash with warm water.
A mixture of yogurt and honey can be drunk directly

Its function:
  • Maintain skin elasticity
  • Provides moisture reserves for dry skin types
  • Prevent the growth of bacterial cells in the body tissues
  • Improving and protecting bowel health
  • Improve the immune system in the body

13. Rice masks and olive oil

Take the original rice flour and mix it with olive oil to form like cream. then apply on face and let stand for approximately 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Apply this rice mask twice a week.

Its function:
  • Brighten and whiten face
  • Eliminate wrinkle wrinkles around the face
  • Keeps the skin from drying out
  • Disabling acne-causing bacteria
  • Protects skin from fatigue

14. Cucumber Mask

Contains: Riboflavin (vitamin b2), niacin (vitamin b3), pantotianic acid (vitamin b5), thiamin (vitamin b1), vitamin B9, iron, calcium, fiber. How:
Grate the cucumber with the skin, because many nutrients on the skin
Sprinkle the cucumber on your face in the state of your bed
Wait until approximately 20 minutes or so then blow with warm water
Its function:
  • Waking spots black spots on the skin
  • Decreases the wide pore pores
  • Treating skin inflammation due to sunlight
  • Eliminate dark circles on the eyes
  • Eliminate the bladder on the eyes

15. Bengkoang Mask

Contains: Phosphorus, Calcium, Inulin, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C. How:
Grate bengkoang that has been peeled skin
Apply on face
Wait for 20 mnit or more
Then rinse with warm water

Its function:
  • Makes skin glow and clean
  • Tighten skin surface
  • Eliminate black spots
  • Brighten skin dull and dark
  • Protects against the attack of acne-causing bacteria

16.Papaya mask

Contains: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Beta carotene, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, beta crypto-xanthin, lutein-zeaxanthhin. How:
Take ripe papaya and puree, apply on face and let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.
Its function:
  • The substance in papaya can kill bacteria that exist on facial skin
  • Removing black stains from cosmetics
  • Prevent infections due to acne
  • Heals wounds quickly
  • Removes fine wrinkles on the face

17. Coffee mask

Contains: Quinic acid, Ethyphenol, caffeine, Dimethyl disulfide, Dicaffeoyiquinic acid. How: mix the coffee powder with cold water. Rub on face, and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse with water until clean.
  • Brighten a dark face
  • Tighten facial skin
  • Smooth the rough skin
  • Moisturizes dry and dehydrated skin

18. Avocado

Contains: Vitamin K, Vitamin E, iron, zinc, copper. How:
Blend avocado and apply on face, let stand for 20 minutes or more kemusdian rinse with warm water
Its function:
  • Soothes a weary skin
  • Increase and multiply collagen under the skin
  • Brighten and whiten skin
  • Removes black spots and acne scars
  • Eliminate fine wrinkles on the face

19. Wine mask

Contains: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Minerals, Beta-carotene and others. How:
Crush the grapes and remove the seeds. Just take the water or juice and then apply on face and let stand for 20 minutes or more then rinse with warm water.

Its function:
  • Brighten a dull face
  • Moisturize the face from the threat of dehydration

20. Melon Mask

Contains: Potassium, good fats, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Protein. How:
Discard the fruit and then cut the melon into several pieces of medium-sized box. Then put on face for 10 minutes then replace the new melon pieces for the next 10 minutes

Its function:
  • Heals the inflammation caused by the sun
  • Cool and soothe skin
  • Prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face

Facial Gymnastics

Facial gymnastics is a way to prevent premature aging for men and women, here are:

1. Saying the words A I U E O

  • Say the words A, I, U, E, O with your mouth wide open
  • Do it over and over until the facial muscles really feel light
  • For the first exercise of the first and second day do it slowly
  • The third day and so on can do it with a fast movement

2. Smile and frown

  • Smile slowly to the width
  • then drop your smile with a sudden (sullen)
  • do repeated until the facial muscles really feel light
  • For the first exercise of the first and second day do it slowly
  • the third day and so on can do it with a fast movement

3. Eye and vocal movement

  • Move your eyes in to left to right
  • Then the movement of your eye seeds up and down
  • Then say the vowels A, I, U, E, O with your mouth wide open
  • Say the vowels by making a sound
  • do the re-bears until the facial muscles really feel light
  • For the first exercise of the first and second day do it slowly
  • The third day and so on can do it with a fast movement
  • The function of the 3 facial exercises is to smooth the circulation of blood around the face, eliminating eye muscle tension, eliminating tired eyes, eliminating the appearance of dull face, improve skin moisture and refresh the face.
That's the way and how to prevent premature aging. Tips above you can do at home with ease. Aging is natural, but humans can do something to slow down the process. hopefully useful

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