What is Eczema? Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Have you ever felt itchy when you woke up? there was a rash that was very itchy. If you've ever experienced it it could be it is eczema. Then what is eczema? What caused it? and how to treat eczema? read the following article.
What is Eczema? Causes Treatment and Prevention
Eczema can attact baby to adult : genkymoma.com

What is Eczema? 

Eczema is a chronic, itchy skin disorder commonly encountered, characterized by dry skin, inflammation and exudation, which are recurrent. The disorder is usually familial, with a history of atopy in self or family. Atopy is a disorder with a genetic basis characterized by an individual's tendency to form antibodies in the form of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) when confronted with common allergens, as well as tendency to acquire asthma, allergic and DA, and some forms of urticaria.

In everyday life, eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a chronic inflammation of the upper layers of the skin causing itching, often in patients with allergic rhinitis or asthma and in people with family members who have allergic rhinitis or asthma.

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin layer, both in the epidermal layer and in the dermis. As is known, the skin consists of three layers, a layer of hides (epidermis), dermis, and subkutis tissue. Epidermis as the top layer is formed at 5-6 weeks gestation. At least, about 28 days once the skin will change with new skin. In addition, there are pigment cells that protect the body from the effects of sunlight.

Facts about Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis

  • Eczema is experienced by almost 17% of the human population

According to one study, atopic dermatitis is a common skin condition and affects about 17 percent of the world's population. Almost 40-60% of them are children who can be brought into adulthood.

  • There is no cure for atopic eczema

Apart from many research studies that have been done, there is still no drug found to treat the disease completely and permanently.

  • Eczema disease is genetic or decreased

As mentioned above, eczema disease can also be caused by genetic or hereditary factors. If you have eczema, you may also have asthma or fever. It is also very likely that one of your family members may have one of these allergies, such as fever, asthma and atopic dermatitis. Doctors usually call it 'atopic triad'.

  • Can also occur in adults

In addition to often experienced by infants and children, the disease is also afflicted by adults. Therefore, recognize early signs to prevent the disease from recurring.

  • Your work can aggravate the disease

If your job requires your hands or skin to be wet and exposed to chemicals, this can worsen your eczema.

  • Eczema is also influenced by environmental conditions

The environment can also be a factor that triggers eczema, such as too hot or cold weather, unfavorable environments, wool clothes, detergents, lotions or soaps, sweats, and pollen.

  • Food allergies can also aggravate atopic eczema

Dairy products, whole grains and soybeans can cause allergies, but also worsen your eczema. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • Lifestyle changes can help in treating this skin condition

Some certain habits are able to prevent relapsing sickness disease, such as bathing with warm water, avoiding dry skin and hair, lowering your stress level and avoiding the use of perfume made from chemicals.

  • Certain medications may also help to overcome eczema

Antibiotics, corticosteroids and antihistamines can be used to treat eczema. Topical medications such as calcinuerin inhibitors also help reduce inflammation in the skin. Ask your doctor first about the risks because they can weaken your skin's immune system.

Eczema symptomps

The signs of eczema are reddish skin, dry skin, wet, or thick and scaly. Usually the new eczema is redder, slightly wetter, with swelling. While in the chronic or old, thicker, scaly, dry, and the color somewhat blackish.

Eczema due to triggering factors from the environment are allergens that can cause allergic reactions in the body, so the skin becomes itchy and arise eczema. Another factor that facilitates the occurrence of eczema is the nature of the skin, which is dry skin. The use of soaps that are high in alkalinity, too often in air-conditioned rooms with temperatures below 18 ° Celsius, wearing woolen clothing, can trigger a recurrence of eczema.

Although the cause is genetic (hereditary), as long as there is no triggering factor, this eczema will not arise. So, if the symptoms are still slightly itchy or red, better be immediately remembered what has been eaten and worn, then quickly avoid so prolonged.

Eczema Causes

The cause of eczema is not yet known with certainty, but some experts suspect eczema associated with excessive body immune power (immune) activity. This causes the body to overreact to bacteria or irritants that are actually harmless to the skin. Therefore, eczema is found in families with a history of allergic diseases or asthma.

Each person has a different eczema originator, there are people who after holding the soap or detergent will feel the extraordinary itch, some are caused by other materials or household appliances. Symptoms that arise are varied, there is a mild itch but dominant heat, some are the opposite. Upper respiratory tract infection or flu can also trigger the emergence of eczema. Stress experienced by the patient will make the symptoms worse.

Although eczema healing is very difficult, but in many cases, patients can reduce the occurrence of recurrence by doing the right treatment and avoid irritants or allergens that cause eczema. Keep in mind, this disease is not contagious and will not spread from one person to another.

Eczema treatment

The main goal of treatment is to relieve itching to prevent infection. When the skin feels very dry and itchy, lotion and moisturizing cream is highly recommended to make the skin become more moist. This action is usually done when the skin is still slightly wet, such as when finished bathing so that lotion is applied to maintain skin moisture. Cold compresses are also thought to reduce the itchiness that occurs.

An ointment or cream containing corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone is given to reduce inflammatory or inflammatory processes. For severe cases, doctors will give corticosteroid tablets and if the eczema area has been infected then antibiotics can be given to kill the infecting bacteria. Other medications that are needed are antihistamines to reduce the itching is too heavy, and cyclosporin for patients who do not respond to any type of treatment provided.

How To Treat Eczema Naturally?

Tips to get rid of eczema on your skin naturally you can do by using traditional materials, here is a natural remedy for eczema in your skin.

  • Treat eczema with turmeric

Turmeric is not only useful as a spice enhancing the pleasure of home cooking, but more than that the benefits of turmeric is very great for health.

one of which is able to overcome stubborn eczema on your skin thus you do not have to buy eczema drugs again to the doctor or in the clinic.

How to treat eczema using turmeric is very easy, first puree the turmeric first, then paste the turmeric is already smooth on the eczema on your skin, it is advisable to stick a few hours until the turmeric was dry.

  • Eliminate eczema naturally with lemon

Lemon is a fruit that has a pretty sour taste, but behind the sour taste that lemon actually contains vitamin C is very high.

The content of vitamin C that can treat eczema on your skin naturally, eliminating eczema naturally with lemon is very easy, first take a lemon.

then squeeze the fruit and then use water juice as a topical eczema drug on the surface of your skin is exposed to eczema Do it until repeated until the eczema is completely healed.

  • Overcome eczema naturally with tomatoes

Tomatoes are fruits that contain vitamin A and also very high E, the content of both vitamins in tomatoes is antioxidant.

In other words, tomatoes can be used to treat skin diseases, as well as eczema,

Apply tomatoes that have been smooth evenly on the part of the eczema lumps on your skin.

then give a little soft rub until completely seeped, let stand until the spread is dry and if it is dry you can rinse with clean water.

  • Treats eczema naturally with ginger

Not only turmeric, but ginger spice is also very good to overcome the eczema that is on your skin, content that is anti-inflammatory in ginger is believed to reduce the pain caused by eczema inflammation.

To treat eczema naturally by using ginger, first puree the ginger, then stick to the problem for a few minutes or until the ginger is dry.

  • Eliminate eczema with olive oil

Tips to overcome eczema disease to 5 is to use olive oil, oil that is very famous in the Mediterranean plains has a lot of health benefits, one of them can treat eczema on your skin, even can treat eczema that has been inflamed and make red scar.

The trick is apply olive oil evenly on the troubled part, do not you rinse but just enough to let the olive oil to dry it out.

Eczema prevention

The emergence of eczema can be avoided by doing some of these tips:

  • Keep skin moist.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Avoid sweating too much or overheating.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Avoid clothes that use scratching materials such as wool and others.
  • Avoid soap with materials that are too hard, detergents and other solutions.
  • Avoid other environmental factors that can trigger allergies such as flower dust, dust, animal fur and others.
  • Be careful in choosing foods that can cause allergies.

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