Cervical Cancer: The Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer or also known as cervical cancer is one of the most feared cancer of women. Based on existing data, of the many cancer patients in the World, cervical cancer patients reach one third of it. And from the WHO data recorded, every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and this is a type of cancer that ranks as the top cause of death of women in the world.

Cervical cancer attacks on the reproductive organs of women, precisely in the cervical area or entrance to the uterus is the narrow section at the bottom between the genitals of women and uterus.

Cervical Cancer: The Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

cervix cancer
cervical cancer difference : google.com/imghp

Causes of Cervical Cancer

Human papilloma Virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of many deaths in women is the HPV virus types 16 and 18. This virus is very easy to move and spread, not only through fluids, but also can move through the skin touch. In addition, the use of a common wc that has been exposed to HPV virus, can infect someone who uses it if it is not cleaned properly.

In addition, poor living habits can also lead to the outbreak of cervical cancer. As is the habit of smoking, lack of vitamin intake especially vitamin C and vitamin e and lack of folic acid intake. 

Other bad habits that can cause cervical cancer are frequent intercourse with changing partners, having sex with men who frequently change partners and have sex at an early age (having sex at <16 years old can even increase the risk of 2x cervical cancer ). Other factors causing cervical cancer are the presence of offspring of cancer, the use of drugs in a very long time, and too often give birth.

Characteristics of Women Suffering from Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer requires a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer that originally from an infection. Therefore, when the early stages of its development will be difficult to detect. Therefore, it is recommended for women to perform a Pap smear test at least every 2 years, do an IVA test, etc.

Although difficult to detect, but the following characteristics can be a clue to women whether he suffered from cervical cancer symptoms or not:

  • When having sex always feel pain, even often followed by the bleeding.
  • Experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and excessive amounts
  • Often feel pain in the hip area
  • Having pain during urination
  • At the time of menstruation, blood that comes out in large quantities and excess

When the woman has an advanced stage will experience pain in the thigh or one of the thighs experience swelling, the appetite becomes greatly reduced, unstable weight, difficult to urinate, spontaneous bleeding.

Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Here are some things women can do in preventing cervical cancer so as not to happen to them, among others:

  • Live a healthy lifestyle by consuming enough nutritious and nutritious food
  • Always maintain body health and environmental sanitation
  • Avoid cleaning of the genitals with dirty water
  • If you smoke, immediately stop this bad habit
  • Avoid having sex at an early age
  • Always loyal to your partner
  • Perform pap smear examination at least do for 2 years, especially for those who have been active in intercourse
  • If you have never had intercourse, it is better to vaccinate HPV
  • Expand the consumption of vegetable foods that contain beta carotennya quite a lot, consumption of vitamin C and e.

However, if you have detected cervical cancer, then there are several methods of treatment that can be done. If cervical cancer is detected early stage, then the treatment is done by eliminating cervical cancer by surgery, either laser surgery, electricity or by freezing and remove cervical cancer tissue (cyrosurgery)

For advanced cases of cervical cancer will be treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but if it is detected quite badly, nothing else but by lifting the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly for cancer does not develop.

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